0.8; I Told You

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0.8; I Told You



How Lydia Martin got the key to the Stuart's house Audriana may never know. The strawberry blonde claimed the since she had the said key it was NOT in fact breaking and entering.

Bottom line Lydia may be spending a little too much time with Stiles.

Unlike Audriana who gave up trying to make sense of her best friend's antics there was a certain kitsune who was still concerned."Hold on isn't this like a crime scene or something?"

Audriana muttered a "Yes" at the exact moment as Lydia, who brushed it off as "No"

Kira however was not at all reassured by their answers. All three girls entered Tracy's bedroom only to find police tape scattered around the large room, indicating it was in fact a crime scene.

"I told you" The blonde said, a teasing tone lined her voice.

Lydia rolled her eyes and turned to their other friend. "Don't worry about it"

"Okay so what are we looking for?" Kira asked as she nervously wiped her hands on her shorts. She was clearly still not as accustomed to committing illegal activity as the other two.

"I'm mostly just following a feeling." Lydia replied.

"Your feelings usually lead to dead bodies."

"Well let me know if you find one."

Audriana snorted at the last comment. "You will definitely know if I find one. Lyds you aren't the only one who can scream."

"Audri if you don't wanna be here you could always help Liam and Mason." Lydia sassed in the most innocent way possible.

Audriana narrowed her eyes and walked to the other side of the room. "I don't like babysitting."


Multiple hours had passed and it was now nearing dark outside. Audriana, Kira and Lydia had been picking apart Tracy's room piece by piece. So far they had found nothing even remotely helpful.

Audriana let out a huff of air and laid down on the floor disregarding the photo albums she had been previously flipping threw. "I'm hungry."

"I'm not leaving until we find something." Lydia called from her place across the room.

Audriana popped her head up."What about you Kira? Are you hungry?" The kitsune however did not reply but continued to search threw a box until she pulled out a dream catcher.

"Hey, look at this." she then read the card attached to it. "Remember Tracy bear it only works if you believe it. Hope this helps, love dad. This is beyond depressing."

By the time she had finished both girls had moved so they were standing near Kira.

"He was just trying to help her." Lydia said.

"Why would she go after him like that?"

Audriana snorted at the Kira's question. "Why does anyone in Beacon Hills do any of the things they do?

"She wasn't in control of herself."

The brunette still continued to try and make sense of the situation. "It wasn't even a full moon"

Lydia began to utter in reply what sounded like a sarcastic comment fore she cut herself off. "You know there are cases of people who accidentally murdered their whole family while in a night terror. They had no idea what they were doing."

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