Sisters and Brothers of the womb act | : Hide and seek

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Meus eras risus

"Addressing all subjects currently in their living quarters to report immediately to the grand gathering hall Ri" I heard the masculine voice coming from the intercom say ,as I layed in bed staring into the dark brown oak wood ceiling. I have to admit I don't really care much about it , the womb that is.

I closed my eyes. A vision of me sitting in a picnic came . The grass around the blanket was so green, and there was forest beyond the meadow, an unfamiliar meadow, to my right I heard two voices talking affectionately towards one another , one was masculine and the other was feminine , I turned to see where they were coming from but immediately the vision started bluring.

I inhaled , but no air came in , I tried to inhale again, but yet again no air came in. I couldn't breathe I grabbed my chest in hopes of giving myself CPR , but my arms became weak. I can't breathe , everything began falling , the grass fell into a black abyss and I couldn't breathe , my sight became blurry. The light eyes my eyes saw dimmed , and suddenly I was suffocating while struggling to stay afloat in what felt like a cold body of water , I can't see , I couldn't breathe and the water is so cold. I'm shivering splashing everywhere trying to stay afloat , but I can't... I felt my neck submerge and then my mouth fill with the liquid. I could taste the liquid , but the liquid tasted like paint, not water. A bright light hit my closed eyelids, I gasped to breathe in as much air as I could, I could feel I was sitting in some kind of hard chair. I tried to open my eyelids , but it was too bright, I attempted to raise my hands to block the light so I could open my eyelids to see , but my hands were tied to the chair's arms.

"Subject 000 , why did you not report to the grand gathering hall Ri when you were clearly instructed by the task master in command to do so!?" I heard a deep masculine voice aggressive ask me as I tried to open my eyelids just a little bit so I could see, but all I saw was a single silhouette that appeared to be male and slender in shape.
"I fell asleep in my living quarters sir ,and whilst in sleep I lost all track of time as I was engaged in dreaming sir." I pleaded to him saying . "Sleep! So your excuse for not following orders is sleep?", I heard a feminine voice coming from somewhere on my left ask me aggressively.
"Maybe we should should put you to sleep permanently given how you hold it so highly above even your designated tasks and commands triple zero." The masculine voice said in a threatening tone.
"No please sir , it's not like tha-" I said said before being stopped by the sensation of a fast strong fist hitting my cheek bones with enough force to turn my head to the left.
"Follow orders and die , or die." The masculine voice said. My head was still dizzy from the punch, I heard a door open somewhere behind me, then footsteps of what sounded like two people walking away. I felt the restrains on my hands disappear, then the bright light disappeared aswell.

I slowly opened my eyes to the blank white marvel wall that was Infront of me. I saw that I was in a brown wooden chair , I used the arms of the chair to help me get to my feet, but my legs and limbs were weak and I collapsed to the white marvel tiled floor, on my knees on the floor I saw blood flowing down my face through the reflection of me from the tiles and the blood stains on the tiles. Using my right hand I tapped on my right cheek, my upper body twitched from the pain it caused . "Zero , is that you?" I heard a familiar feminine voice ask from a distance behind me away.

I turned around, it was subject 440 standing in the doorway, the light made her long brown shine, she was wearing the standard female uniform , a long white dress and her subject number on her left wrist on a wrist band.
"Hey you ok?" , she asked
"Well considering the blood on the floor and swollen cheek I don't think that was a fair question to ask" she continued saying as she walked towards me to offer me assistance in getting up by reaching out her hand .

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