Sisters and Brothers of the womb Act | : √Origins

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I left 440 in that security building at the gates , and proceeded to head to the only place where I knew I could get any kind of answers , the only place I could get killed just for entering. Mother. I took one last glance at 440 as I closed the door behind me and began walking to the gates. I opened the closed metal double gates and walked through the space between the two gates, closing the gates behind me so as to not attract any attention before walking off into the dark night.

I walked for hours and hours , my feet hurt, then stopped hurting , all while I just kept walking. Walking through the dark silent meadows I took off my shoes, because they were sweaty . I began walking barefooted through the grassy dark fields. A cricket would chirp here and there, the wind blew filling my lungs while blowing my face and hair with the cold night air as I walked on. After a few more hours I was able to see the medical facility, the pain in my feet had turned to numbness.

I began walking towards the medical facility, but there was something ahead of me in the dark medical building facility silhouette. I couldn't tell what it was but it looked human in shape, luckily under the illumination of the moonlight I wasn't completely blind, but I couldn't completely see either. I began walking towards the dark figure , and the closer I got the more it appeared to be getting further and further away. I walked to where it initially was, but by then it was already far ahead of me . I blinked and it was gone , I frantically began looking around me, atop a meadow hill about a hundred or so metres away to my right , I saw it standing there...this time the wind blew my dreads as I stared at legs felt weak , and I fell to my knees , it was so tall , over seven feet tall, pitch black.

The creature was just a silhouette at this point , I took in a deep breath , then let it out. I got back up onto my feet , "I seek the one whose memory is being erased", I shouted aggressively to the tall silhouette in the distance , a silence filled the space between us as a breeze of wind blew my dreadlocks to the left. Suddenly in a moment, the tall black figure was right In front of me.

Upclose it was more as if it was jet black metallic armoured with some sort of heavy leather cape behind it, I looked all the way up to the tall figure , and saw it was fully encased in jet black metallic armour. The head of the thing was fully encased as well. A black leather cloak-like cape covered its back and shoulders, it was as if for a moment that cape was lengthening and shortening around me , as if it were surrounding me. With a single red glowing flame where the right eye should have been in the helmet... it was nothing like anything I had ever seen in my entire life, and with its single red flaming eye, it was staring down straight at me...

I felt a large cold metallic palm on my face , followed swiftly by long metallic fingers around my head , before I could even figure out what was going on it pulled back it's hand, dragging my body up by my head along with it...I was off the ground in an instant. Then before I knew it I felt the hand pushing me back down while I was midair. Its going to smash my head into the ground with its bare metallic hand, I realised . But as I felt the grass on my neck...I felt my neck and head pass through a strange substance that felt like a liquid , but was completely dry.

Its hand was still over my face and head as we both fell, seeping through the substance, and falling intowhat felt like a freefall. It adjusted its pinky a bit, but it was just enough for me to peek through with my left eye...I saw what can only be described as a dome of black darkness, but I was just falling with it...everything felt numb, nothing felt real. The hand disintegrated along with its owner, and I saw a small closing aperture at the centre of my vision that had in its distance...the stars I was falling away from.

The aperture closed. I continued falling through what I can only describe as an expanse of black darkness, I could feel the wind blowing against my skin. I tried to look around, but there was nothing but black, there was no light. Then I blacked out. I opened my eyes, there was now some visibility of the things around me... but I saw my neck bone piercing through my throat...I feel every last bone that is not in place , every millimetre of pierced skin, I tried to move my hands , but they were broken, elbow bones piercing through my elbow for my legs , well I couldn't feel them. From what I could feel , I could feel the substance that felt like concrete that I was laying on ,I felt my own blood , for I was laying in a puddle of it. From what I could smell , there were no particular scents , just a cold scentless breeze. From what I could see, was a pitch black sky. I couldn't scream , only blood squirted out of my throat. maybe this is it, I hope I get to see 440 again soon, I thought to myself as everything began to feel dazy and I lost consciousness.

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