Sisters and Brothers of the womb Act || : part 1 ,You and me

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Flos meus

One might wonder how I found myself here, great explosions lighting the ground beneath me...turning back looking down at it all in mid air , it's as if the entire ground was full of giant yellow balls the size of football fields. But those weren't balls, those were giant burning explosions of yen, and energy expanding while destroying everything in their path as far as the eye could see. Free falling...I sensed him behind me. Before I could even react, I felt his foot on my right shoulder, and in a moment we were both falling into the bright yellow hell with him stepping on my shoulder with his right foot as if he were stepping on a step as we both fell.

I looked at him, his eyes were cold...he grabbed the air with his right hand and it became a spear , then as we were falling, with both hands he raised the spear and thrust it's tip aiming straight at my head as we made impact causing a mighty explosion destroying all as far as I could see and sense.

I could see the surprise in his wide opened eyes as he saw me still breathing alive.
"You and I huh..." I said staring at him with a melancholic smile while using yen reinforcement to minimize the damage while blocking his yen spear from penetrating my head through my right cheek. The battle ground had been completely levelled. only black sand and white stone filled the area for as far as I could sense. I saw the frustration on his face.
"Well aren't you getting straight to the head of the issue" I said chuckling knowing full well if I had been late in using ye reinforcement...he would have destroyed my entire body down to the last atom.
"My turn" I said, releasing a giant mighty yellow pillar of yen out of my body, blowing him into the black sky.

Without skipping a heartbeat I immediately materialized my sword , supercharged it with yen, and slashed straight down hoping to cut him straight in half while he was still in mid air. The bright yellow mighty slash lit up the area and went straight through everything. But as it ended , it revealed that my slash went through everything but him as yellow yen spears came flying through the smoke and debris at a thousandth of the speed of light.

I dodged the first one ducking to the left , then the next by rolling forward, and the next by jumping backwards , as my left foot was about to land on the ground I noticed four more spears coming straight for me through the smoke , I immediately released yen through my feet propelling me through the air enabling me to dodge the spears as they hit the ground.

I finally touched the ground, but saw him above me in the air with a right fist corked back , I had no time to react and the punch made contact sending me flying straight through the space behind me , through a giant white boulder , and the space behind that , then through another boulder before I hit a flat white boulder that was on the ground, reducing it to rubble .

I was coughing out blood when I tried getting up out of the rubble I was in , fell on all fours coughing out my own blood onto the white rock rubble, my blood on the floor reminded me of home. I looked forward , using yen reinforcement on my eyes I saw him in the distance cloaked in smoke standing shirtless on the debris and black sand, his eyes were glowing yellow again , he vanished .

I frantically looked around me , then felt a strong kick behind me on my back left ribs, this one sent me flying only a few feet. I turned around and saw him standing there glowing eyes and all. His white shirt was gone but by embedding yen into his clothing , he was repairing it as he stared at me.

"and?" He said
"Tired and dying already?" He said with a gaze of hatred as he chuckled.
"Hahahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha" I burst into laughter as I got onto my knees
"Hahahahahahahaha" I continued
"What's so funny you defective fool" he said as he tossed a spear at me , but as if I was a ghost, it passed straight through me.
"Hahahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha!" I continued
"What the hell" he said
I went quiet.
"Blur" I whispered and my shadow turned into an expanding circle of black substance, Elliot backed away as the circumference grew rapidly until it stopped at eight metres.

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