Sisters and Brothers of the womb Act ||: Part 3 | Domino effect

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Circulorum in aqua

I awoke in a room that was smaller than my own. Yet all things within it seemed familiar, as I sat upright leaning against the wall , it all came back, the countless hours, days, months and years I spent training with 717 in the outskirts of the womb where shallow waters never run dry.

I got up and walked to the bathroom mirror, there was no door separating the bathroom and living room , it was just one room in fact, but I liked to tell myself that they were two separate rooms , just without walls separating them.

I looked at the mirror , the bangs of my bob cut were getting too long.

“Aren't you growing old 545” inspecting my whiskers , which I proceeded to shave as I normally do every day , 

“And now one half of the world's greatest fighting duo can look handsome” I said to myself while laughing alone.

I washed my face and wiped it down with a cloth before getting dressed.

My blue and grey uniform , my flat brown shoes, and with  a glance at the room, I was out the door , leaving it open , the taskmasters can tend to that. 

I began walking through the narrow bunker passages that run underneath the womb, they were lit with red LEDs , narrow and a bit dark, not that it affected me since I could always just use yen reinforcement to increase the light in my eyes and see beyond clearly in the dark. I saw a taskmaster ahead of me. I recognized him as one of the taskmasters who used to beat 263 back when we were younger.

 He walked past me , I can't explain it but as he walked past me…it was as if he blew a wind of…of…what I can only describe as the very essence of pure concentrated hatred , my eyes reinforced themselves with yen ,I turned around and in a billionth of a second filled his skin pores with my yen. 


I detonated my yen , and was left standing in a blood splatter filled passage , drenched in his blood…I'm breathing heavily, I walked onwards , the other taskmasters heard the bang and I sensed them coming , but by the time the speed of sound was available, I was already long gone.

I went to the communal showers , I bathed , burned my clothes and changed. I was late for a meeting with 717. I rushed through the passages and through mother as well as the central building’s upper levels all whilst manipulating the space between the shower room and boardroom. By bending space bit by bit with yen and the space at hand I could essentially make a single step of mine, worth a million miles. 

A nifty trick 717 taught me. 

“I'm not late” I said as I adjusted the sleeves of my white suit as I appeared before 717.

“Actually you're a tenth of a second late , and your technique has gotten sloppy , you need to practice more.” 717 said to me in a serious tone as he walked towards a chair on the giant brown round table and sat in it.

“Where's everyone else then?” I asked him,

“Who said there'll be anyone but us?” He responded by asking a question to my already present , pressing and existing question.

“What do you mean?” I asked him as I sat in the seat next to him on his right.

“We're going to the world , well ,the world before this one” he said in a somber tone.

“Isn't that suicide?” I asked him with shock and fear in my voice, 

“And that's why they sent us ding ding…” he said sarcastically in a melancholic tone…

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