Brothers and sisters of the womb act |: Hide and seek Part 2

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immortales papilionem

I opened my eyes to the ceiling , a sight I've seen all my life , but this time for some reason I couldn't recall anything that transpired after I got into bed last night. The more I try and think about it , the more I begin feeling weaker in my joints, my limbs feel so heavy...
"Probably just all in my head" I said to myself while staring at my twitching right hand .

"Knock knock! , come out zero zero, zero , we know you're in there!" , I heard coming from the otherside of the door, that feminant aggressive voice. "236 , there's no mistaking it" , I said to myself as I got out of bed and began putting on the ordinary long white pants we're all required to wear during winter. One leg after the other. Left , then right , exactly as how we were taught ever since we could learn how.

Then suddenly memories came flooding back as I was standing there next to the unmade bed facing the door.
"those who do not get it right will go to bed without dinner and will not be bathed", I recalled the taskmaster at the time saying as he walked around inspecting how we put on our pants, he was an unusually extremely tall pale man with a black bob cut and round glasses. We were all just a few months over five years old, standing in rows on the gravel field. I still recall the moment when the taskmaster walked past subject 043, who was in the row Infront of me, literally Infront of me. 043 and I would play together with 440 and 545. I still remember his little blond bob cut , those chubby red cheeks, we'd run around and play every recess, running through the sunny green Meadows, he'd push me so high up on the siwing I'd feel like I was flying as the wind hit my face , I felt like I could've almost touched the sun in that swing...

The task master came walking from left to right, row after row. He passed our row and found that we had properly put on our pants. Next row , he started from the right this time, he walked past everyone until he reached 043, he stopped for a moment, then walked past 043. He went to 213 who was after 043 in the row, and stopped. The silence in the air was chilling every fibre of the human skin as cold sweat fell down my forehead, it itched a little but who knows what would happen if I even moved. We all stood there petrified, "why did he stop? Why is he not moving" our young minds must've all been whimpering in terror.

The task master stood there, motionless, then when I looked up , I could see it, on his face , though I only saw it from the left side view, a grin cracked on his lips. In a heartbeat turned around, he took a giant step with his big right metal coated boot towards 043, and as of he were kicking a ball, it was as if time slowed down as his big black metal coated left boot made impact with 043's head, I saw his golden hair fold in before his head was flew with the rest of his body into the gap between our rows. He was only a few steps away from me when the task master... before 043 could even let out a cry or get onto his knees, speed walked to him and began stomping his head , I never blinked...

The first stomp stopped 043's little body from getting up , his head had been impailed by bits of gravel on the other side of his head which was on the gravel. A small whimper came out of his mouth as he tried to raise up his head from the gravel with his left hand , The task master Stomped on 043's head again, a loud crushing sound was heard as 043's right eye popped out of place and blood squirted out , some of it went into my pants.

This time 043's arms went limp , the next stomp crushed 043's skull and blood splattered , I could see the task master's now red left boot drowning inside the oozing red flesh pot that was 043's head as blood oozed from 043's skull. His little body had gone completely still. The task master Stomped again and again and again , blood oozing from the skull with hair strands flowed out of the splattered remains of what was 043's head, his tiny body , still, motionless , as the task master continued stomping and stomping and stomping. I never blinked even as tears fell down my cheeks.

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