Chapter 2

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The street are as livily as ever just a normal day in the city, people walking by to get to where they are going. cars zooming on the roads and car horns in the distance. The city is alive, but inside yourself, you feel dead, and today, you are going to change that you are going to make the outside the same as the inside.
You go into your jacket and take out a packet of cigarettes and a lighter, the rain bouncing of your body feeling like bullets. You light up your cigarettes and take one big inhail and look up to the sun to feel the warmth of the sun's rays on your face but all you feel is numbness of the rain hitting you, even though it is a light shower it feels so heavy on your face and cold as the winter snow. Your lungs are filled with smoke, and you exhale and start your long walk to your end.

As you are walking down the busy path, people rushing past your bumping into you, every slightest nudge or bump feels like being hit by a car, your body is weak to the slightest of knocks. You don't know where you are going, but you know when you stop, it is where the journey finally ends.

You heavy strides are stopped by a set of steps you think to yourself. "This is it, I'm finally at where I meet my end" as you lift your heavy head up, your gaze is met by a set of pristine steps, you are in marvel of how clean they are, they are nothing like the other city steps covered in decades of dirt, filth and shit. Not even a homeless person sleeping on the steps like the ones you have walked past on your journey towards here. As you lift you head higher you notice that the building seems a little out of place,there is somthing off with this whole place as if it shouldn't be here, as in this city, at this present day. But sonthing pulls you towards it as if a feeling inside you is telling you to go inside. Before you can act on that feeling, you realise you have already climbed up the stairs, you turn back to look in wonder how you managed to climb them. You counted the stairs, "20 steps, how have I climbed them so fast" Your legs do not hurt as if you had glided up them like a ghost. You also notice one little detail about the stairs. They are still dry and still clean. With the rain and the dirt from the streets I have been walking through, surely I should have trailed it up them? But no, they are still gleming. You turn back around and see that your hand is already in the door handle, as if your body has a mind of its own and you can't recall any of these actions you have done. You look around to see if there is a sign or intercom to tell you anything about this building, but there is nothing. So you think to yourself, "If my journey ends here, then it ends here" you take one final breath in of the shitey city air take one last draw of your cigarettes and tose it and slowly exhale and walk in, ready to end it all.

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