Chapter 5

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As you step through the mysterious door into a black void, you start to feel a falling sensation. As if you have missed a step going down a set of stairs, then your foot meets the ground, and you stumble. "Holy fuck, I nearly fell on my cunt there. I fucking haye that feeling" you think to your self. You look around, and where you are is familiar to you like the last time. But this time where you are is the office you work at. But not quite. You compare it to something straight, out a silent hill game or movie. Razor and barb wire in places. Windows broken tables and desks broken or destroyed. Paint flaking from the walls and ceiling tiles missing. Some of the tube lights are broken or flickering. As you look around, you notice there's a light must also. "I take it this is where you work?" Virgil says next to you
" JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, you absolute wank stain!! Fuck me virgil you scared the living shite out me" you scream at virgil slapping his shoulder.
"You're a cunt. Did anyone ever tell you not to sneak up on people ya creepy cunt. Fuck sake virgil you move like a ghost" you say to him. He looks to you and raises his eyebrow.
"That's right, yeah. Inside my own head. You're not actually here." You realise.
"I am sorry. By the way, when I said 'fuck me' that wasn't an invite." Virgil rolls his eyes and sighs.
"Apologise accepted, my friend," he says.

You prepare yourself for what's come next. You know what this place means , the pain it causes you. You know what you have to face. You start hearing something. It sounds as if it's a metallic sound, rusted metal scrapping on rusted metal. It sounds louder and louder as of is making its way towards you. "What do we face next, my friend?" Virgil asks. But as he says it, a sharp and throbbing pain takes over your head. It is the worse head ache you have ever felt in your life. With every sound of the metal scrapping, it gets worse as if there's nails scrapping against your skull instead of a chalkboard. Virgil sees you are in pain and comes to help you. "Tell me, what is it we are to face?" Your hands covering your eyes, your hair woven between your fingers. You are close to pulling your hair out. Then, the sounds stop. The pain is still present but not as intense. You look up, eyes bloodshot and say "stress."

You both turn to face what is in front of you, and there it stands. A creature made of barbedwire into the shape of a human. Twisted rusted metal, wrapped round and round to make a human body. It's eyes are missing as if they have been taken out and only an empty socket remains. Its mouth is wired wide open forever, ready to scream. "I do like metal music, but I have to say that thing is metal as fuck." You jokingly say trying to brush off the stress that's flowing through your body. As you always do, trying to put a smile on your face when deep inside you are struggling. Before virgil can reply, the monster head reacts to your voice and looks directly at you. Even without eyes, you can tell it's staring straight at you. It's starts to slowly tilt its head, and with that, the pain starts to get worse from the skretching sound of the barbie wrapped around it. "It seems you may have a bigger fight on your hands with this one, my friend," virgil says as he steps back from you. You look confussed, and before you can reply to virgils' comments and reaction, the thing shoots out barbed wire from its arm like tenticals and wrapps them around your head. Covering your eyes and mouth. The pain is so intense that you feel as if your head is about to pop off. You can feel every barb cutting into your skin, the warmth of your blood running down your face. You fall to your knees, struggling to get it off you, but nothing is working. You open your eyes, all you can see through the gaps is the thing walking slowly towards you. You try to turn around to look for virgil, but the thing has you locked into postion. With every movement you make, the barbe wire is getting tighter. The barbs are close to your eyes now. You quickly close them, but it useless. They start to press into your eyes, and you thrive around in pain. "This is it, I'm well and truly fucked now" you think to yourself. As you start to drift off into the darkness ready to give in, you hear virgils voice. "This isn't the end, my friend. We still have a lot of work to do. Remember what I told you. You are the one in control. Just breathe and take control."

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