Shamchat #8 (Your a wizard, Levi!)

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Levi Ackerman: *Michael Jackson screams can be heard* ARGHUH! *The weighing scales fly out of the room due to my forceful throw* NO! *My hulk fist punches a nearby bookshelf over* I'VE GAINED TWO POUNDS! *screams as my flappy sausage smashes the desk in half with it's karate chop* AAARGUH!

Tied and gagged! Eren Jaeger: Oh god

Tied and gagged! Eren Jaeger: Levi your on your period go to bed.

Levi Ackerman: *Deep Dobby breaths* NO HARRY. I mean Eren. *Regains my posture.* You will be the one bleeding once I'm done with your anal hole.* *Dramatically spins around as my cape blows in my breeze, the sky going grey. I raise my wand, slowly pointing it at you, keeping eye contact.* ERECTUS PENISIS! *Pew*

Tied and gagged! Eren Jaeger: -Raises eyebrow- Annnnnnnnnndddd your drunk.. Were you talking to Pixus again? 

Levi Ackerman: ...............You don't own me Jaeger. I own you. And for that your staying tied up.

Tied and gagged! Eren Jaeger: Dammit heichou

Levi Ackerman: Don't you heichou me

Tied and gagged! Eren Jaeger: Heeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiicccccccccchhhhhhhhhhoooooooouuuuuu

Levi Ackerman: Brat.

Tied and gagged! Eren Jaeger: Midget.

Levi Ackerman: Tch.

Levi Ackerman has left the conversation. 

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