The intern "I don't want ass"

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I swear im almost done but like. This right here is the reason I wanted to read the interview, some people reenacted it with cosplay and I just. I cant. as soon as I saw "Drink?" I WENT INSANE OANDSFJ[ANWDFOAR G

Also this patricular part of the book makes it seem like its a reallyyyy slutty book but your fangirls you should understand.


He chuckled when I said nothing, "Drink?"

I eyed the liquid and decided that it would be better if I remained in control of my motor functions, "No, thanks."

"We're about to negotiate prostituting your body for the greater good," he remarked as he poured the drink into both glasses. He lifted one and held it out to me, "Trust me, you'll need this."

I walked over to the island and took the glass in my hand, surprised by the weight of it. It wasn't at all like the cheap pieces that we had in my cupboard at home. It was thick, elegantly cut crystal that made the amber liquid shimmer enticingly. I took a small, timid sip and felt the fire hit my tongue and slide down my throat. I suppressed a gag and covered my revulsion with two raised eyebrows, giving a little nod and setting the glass down. I could only hope he didn't notice how I nudged it away from me.

He glanced at my glass and I noticed the corner of his mouth lift just slightly in his classically emotion-free smirk. He sipped his own drink and set it down on the counter, tracing the rim with his index finger. He was bent over the counter, his other arm resting lazily across the marble so that his hand dangled over the edge. His eyes were hooded and I saw nothing but thick lashes as he stared down at the liquid in his glass. He was, in every sense of the word, exquisite.

"I feel like I should be charging for a peep show."

The comment snapped me back into focus and I realized that I had been caught staring once again. I could still detect the faint curve of his lips, but his eyes held enough annoyance in them to make me question whether or not I had pissed him off. "This is why I hate being around kids. Brats like you were never taught that it's rude to stare."

"My parents failed a lot with me."

"Stop right there, kid," he interrupted what was going to be a joke, and I knew I had said something wrong. He held up his hand and nailed me with a 'I don't have time for this shit' glare. "I am not your fucking therapist. I don't care if your parents tie you to a wall and sacrifice you to Satan on a daily basis; you leave me out of it. We clear?"

"I wasn't... I mean, I'm not..." I fumbled over the words, completely discombobulated. I hadn't meant for him to take my comment in a serious light. I was the last person to open up about what was going on in my life, especially when it came to my parents. "Damn it, do you always have to be so blunt?"

"It's part of my charm," he replied with a small shrug. He was holding his glass again and waved his hand to the side, causing the liquid to slosh around. "But enough about me. We're not here to talk about me. Let's focus on getting you some ass."

"I don't want ass!"

"Oh, honey, you've wanted ass since the day you were born. It just took seeing mine to get you to realize it," he crooned. "I'm your real-ass-ation."

"Are you even aware of what you're saying?"

"I'm very aware of everything that goes out of and comes into my mouth," he replied with a salacious smile. I didn't have to think hard to figure out the double entendre.

"Whatever. I'm not gay," I said the lie like I meant it.

"And I'm not antisocial. Now we're both liars."

I stared at him and set my hands on the marble countertop. I was surprised by how cold the surface was beneath my fingers, and I fanned them out to explore it. The chill stung my palm, but I liked it. I had always found myself drawn to pain, at least in small amounts, and I wondered if that was why I couldn't admit something so simple to myself. I was shying away from something I knew my body wanted and I couldn't deny that there was some form of agony in that.

"I'm not lying."

The sharp clink of glass striking the marble counter was still ringing in my ears when I realized he had pressed me against the kitchen island. My mind didn't even register that he had moved, so when his hips pressed into mine and called attention to the steady beat throbbing in my pants, I cried out. Embarrassment flooded my body as quickly as it did my face, and I stared at him with an incredulous and betrayed expression, "What are you doing?"

"Proving something."

His hips pushed into mine once more and the sensation forced my lips to part in a gasp, allowing him take full advantage. His mouth was on mine before it had closed and his tongue moved without hesitation, gliding across mine in a slick heat that sent arousal coursing through my body. He was invading every inch of my mouth in probing licks, and I couldn't find enough sense or desire to protest. I could taste an array of intoxicating flavors that were undeniably him, and I felt myself greedily leaning into the kiss. A moan stirred somewhere between us, but I wasn't sure if it had come from him or me. I didn't care.

A fire lit in my belly, the desire spreading through me like wildfire. I was losing control of myself in his taste and yet I couldn't get enough. I needed more. With a newfound confidence, my tongue caressed his, softly at first and then with more insistence. I wanted to taste his mouth. I needed to explore him as thoroughly as he had explored me. My demanding tongue pushed into his mouth and he appeased me just long enough for a good taste. Then he bit the tip of my tongue and I felt a jolt of pleasurable pain shoot all the way into the head of my cock. With a groan, I pushed my hips into his and grabbed a hold of his ass.

He broke away with a laugh and I was left standing there with my arms held out and my face plastered with confusion. "What the hell was that for?"

"To prove something." He pointed at my pants, which had apparently turned into a circus tent boasting the newest spectacle of the great one-eyed monster. "Hip Hip Hooray! Honey, you're gay."

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