5. first time at billies

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Lotties POV

I really enjoyed Billie Joe's company. At this point it's been a couple weeks since we met on the roof and it became like our thing. We met up every lunchtime and talked and smoked. It became my favourite part of the day but of course I couldn't tell him that.

He'd told me all about his family life, his music, his dreams and his future plans and I have in turn told him mine. My future plans weren't anything special, not like his. He had a dream to become a famous musician and I really believed he could.

I'd never seen or heard his band play but he had the charm and personality of someone who could control a crowd of 100,000 if he really wanted to. He just had this way about him that made everyone around him feel comfortable. Plus he was funny as hell. He made me laugh so hard that my stomach felt like it was going to cave in.

As I said, I've not heard his band play yet. But that was about to change because at lunch today, Billie asked me to come over to his house to see his band play. I was really nervous but I wanted to see what he was like. Maybe he would be really good, maybe he would be really shit and he's just hyped it up for nothing.

I was stood at my closet for the longest time just trying to figure out what to wear. I didn't want to wear something fancy because I didn't want him to know that I wanted to make an effort but I also didn't want to wear something ugly because after all, I was meeting his bandmates too.

I knew of Mike, he was in my maths class and he was the class clown. Mike was incredibly sweet and funny from what I had seen and I could see why they were best friends, I'd even call them soulmates. They just were made to find each other and be connected so it made perfect sense to stick them in a band together. It would be the first time meeting their drummer, I didn't know his name or what he looked like but to be honest, I would just be looking at Billie the whole time anyway.

I decided to wear my skinny jeans, my white converse and a band t-shirt. I never wore band t-shirts in school because I didn't want to get bullied for my music taste. Not that I really had a music taste, I just liked a song if it was good, it didn't matter if it was punk, pop, country, R&B, I liked pretty much anything. I chose my Queen t-shirt, nothing too crazy. I decided to wear my hair down today, it was naturally wavy so I just brushed it and then left it as it fell.

I went downstairs to find my mom and David in the kitchen. My mom was cooking dinner and David was on his laptop on the kitchen island. I coughed and got my moms attention as she turned around with a wooden spoon in her hand.

"Oh good you're here Lottie, come and taste this chilli!"

I went over and tasted some off the spoon. To be honest it tasted horrible but I wasn't going to let her know that. She'd never been the best cook, I didn't understand that as a kid because I thought that mom's were supposed to be the best cooks in the world. My dad was the best cook ever and I missed his famous lasagne.

"It's...good! What's in it?"

"Just the usual but I decided to put in a secret ingredient!"

"What's the secret?"

"Ah I can't tell you! Secret!"

My mom laughed and I joined her with my best fake laugh. It tasted like she'd put in a whole tub of salt and something fishy. It was gross but she was pleased with herself and I wasn't gonna be around to eat it so I didn't want to tell her how bad it was.

"Anyway mom I'm going out, so I can't join you for this delicious dinner"

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to Billie's house"


"Billie Joe? My friend from school, I told you about him a few days ago"

David looked at me from over the top of his laptop as he frowned.

"Billie Joe? A boy?"

"Yes David, he's a boy"

My mom joined in with the frowning too, I didn't get why it was such a big deal.

"I didn't know you were talking to boys honey" My mom looked almost disappointed, because apparently it's illegal to be friends with someone with a penis.

"He's my friend mom, hes really nice. His bands rehearsing and he's asked me to go"

"A band? What music does he play?"


My mom acted like I'd just told her I was going to war. She sighed and threw her hand on her forehead in disgust.

"Punk?! Is he a skinhead? Does he have a mohawk? Oh Lottie why did you get involved with him?!"

I had to laugh at her reaction. I grabbed my hoodie from the doorway before putting it on. I grabbed my purse and my phone from the kitchen table before answering her.

"No don't be silly! He's doesn't have a mohawk! He has platinum bleach blonde hair! I gotta go!"

I left the house before I could see her reaction. I decided to walk to Billies to give me some time alone before I had to hang out with some of the most important people in Billie's life. It was important for me to get along with his friends too because I wanted to be involved in every aspect of his life. Sad isn't it? I was so down for this boy and I'd only known him a few weeks. 

It took me around 15 minutes to walk to Billies. Mainly because I took my time and walked slow, trying to delay actually getting there which was silly because I wanted to spend as much time with Billie.

I was just nervous if they were shit or great. Could I lie to him forever if he was shit and gaslight him into thinking I love his music? No that would be cruel, but I also wouldn't be able to tell him to his face if he made shit music because the last thing I'd ever wanna do would be to cause him anything other than happiness.

My mind was going crazy on overdrive until I finally got to the address Billie gave me. Here goes nothing, there's no turning back now.

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