2. first day at new school

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Lotties POV

I begrudgingly got out of bed once I snoozed my alarm for the second time. My mom had also been to my door and knocked on it hard enough that I think the neighbours might of woken up with the noise.

I laid in bed for a few moments, wondering if I could fake an illness, run away or simply just disappear. When none of those things seemed to be a great idea, I decided that I had to get up and face the world.

I got out of bed and walked to my wardrobe before opening the doors. I stood and stared at my entire clothing collection. I didn't want to stand out with anything crazy looking and I also didn't want to be bullied for my clothing choices. I decided on a plain pink t-shirt and some black skinny jeans. Not too colourful and nothing that stands out.

I hopped in the shower and stayed in there for as long as I could before I got out, got dried off and got dressed. I decided to just wear my hair up in a ponytail because quite frankly, I was too exhausted to think about doing something fancy with it. I also don't wear makeup because I think it takes far too much time. I very occasionally will wear mascara but that's only for really special events.

I walked downstairs to find my mom and David in the kitchen. My mom was cooking some bacon and eggs and David was reading the newspaper. I walked in the kitchen and grabbed a bowl from the cupboard and filled it with cereal and milk before I sat down at the kitchen island and began to eat. I had about two minutes of peace before my mom decided to break the silence.

"Are you excited for school?"

"Not really"

"Why not Lottie? This is a perfect opportunity for you to get out there and make some friends!"

"I already have all the friends I want and they're on the other side of the world!"

My mom grumbled and put the bacon and eggs on a plate and handed them over to David. He didn't even say thank you before he shovelled the food into his mouth, his eyes still on the newspaper. I rolled my eyes before I quickly finished my cereal and grabbed my bag that was by the door.

I said a quick goodbye to the adults as I left the house. I'd walked the route to the school a thousands times at this point so I knew where to go. I saw a few other students walking to the school but none of them looked like they wanted anything to do with me.

I walked up the office at the front of the school when I got there. I waited in the lobby and watched all the different people that walked past. I could tell which ones I'd want to avoid at all costs which were roughly ninety percent of them.

I grabbed my new schedule and a map of the school from the nice office lady, I didn't care enough to ask for her name. They did give me the option of having another student to shadow me for a few days to make sure I didn't get lost but I wanted to blend in as much as possible and I don't think a preppy nerd kid would help with that.

The layout of the school was pretty easy. Each floor only had a couple different subjects so I knew which floors I needed and then I could read the door numbers that were luckily in order but I wasn't gonna let anyone know that I knew where to go. I decided to wander around for a while, the bell had gone off about 10 minutes ago but I was enjoying my time just walking around, getting the full layout of the school. I was mainly looking for secret places where I could hide if I wanted to skip a lesson or get away from people.

I knew that I had to go into my class sometime. A couple of teachers had stopped me on my exploration and asked where I should be. I had to give the new student phrase of "I'm sorry, I'm lost" and they'd smile and point me in the right direction.

My first class was English. I didn't really mind it as much as the other subjects. There's just something about getting lost in a good book that I find enjoyable. The skill of being able to write something that people would fall back to time and time again inspired me.

I walked up to the door and I had a couple of seconds where I wanted to just leave but I knew I'd have to face the class at some point. I knocked on the door twice before opening it and the 30 faces in that room that looked back at me made me want to jump in a hole and never leave.

The teacher looked like he wanted to kill me on the spot. He was old, maybe early 60s, he was balding at the top of his head and he had glasses so big that I was surprised his neck wasn't hurting from the extra weight.

As soon as I walked in, he stopped speaking and turned to look at the doorway. I don't think he'd had a lesson in being nice to new students because the frown on his face made me shrink back into myself. The students were still staring at me and I knew I needed to say something, anything to break the silence.

"Hey, I'm supposed to be in this class?"

"Oh yes, the new girl. You're sat at the back, left hand side. And by the way, my lessons start at 9am sharp so please don't make this a habit"

I nodded at his words before making my way to my new desk. I sat down and got out my book and my pen as quietly as I could as the teacher restarted his lesson and all the attention was taken off me which I was very grateful for. I was concentrating for all of 10 minutes before the classroom door opened once again and he was now the centre of attention.

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