Chapter 5:I am a pro Stalker

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Annabeth's pov

Around 6am in front of the big house. I hid in a corner of a tree near the big house. I silently remembered the prophecy.

" You shall go west, and face the god who has turned,
You shall find what was stolen, and see it safely returned,
You shall be betrayed by one who calls you a friend,
And you shall fail to save what matters most, in the end."

So they will go west and face the god who has turned his back on Olympus, and then the two of them will successfully find the lost thing, perhaps Zeus's lightning, but also the Helm of Darkness. But then they will be betrayed by the one they considered a friend, betrayal.. I don't like this word and the memory it brings back to me. As far as I know, Perseus will only have Grover with him, which is understandable because this is a very important mission, something that decides the peace of Olympus and the world, so being on such a big mission is not something everyone wants.

Suddenly I saw Chiron and a boy with black hair, olive skin, brown eyes , he wears a brown , old feminine coat( which was weird) that I assumed was Perseus Jackson walking up to the camp door, next to him was Grover. Both of them were carrying backpacks. Following behind were Luke and Charles. I tried to follow them a little bit, hiding in the dark so that no one could see me. I had never followed anyone before so I was quite nervous and worried.

Thinking about it, I saw Luke give Perseus a pair of flying shoes that Hermes had given him, Perseus' face turned red with embarrassment or maybe also with emotion, his ears were almost on fire (Thinking back, if I was embarrassed, would shadow have wrapped around my ears like that?). Charles came over and hugged Perseus, and said a few words that seemed to be encouraging because I couldn't hear clearly.

Suddenly I saw a green-skinned, red-haired girl, probably a nymph, running over and saying something to Grover. The atmosphere around them was clearly awkward, I was standing far away but I could still feel it.

Then they laughed and said something and Grover and Percy gradually walked out of the camp. Well, I should go too. I thought but a voice made me jump.

-Hey! Who are you?! What are you doing sneaking around like that? If you don't tell me, I'll call my Brother to arrest you!

I turned around and saw a kid around 9 years old, his hair was black, his eyes were red and he wore a red headband. He had a Texas accent. Judging by his appearance, I guessed he was a son of Ares. Oh no.

-I'm...Annette Chadwick!

I can't say my real name! Because you know! Cabin Ares, Aphrodite, no, the whole camp will start gossiping! And the plan will fail, I'll be hated by the whole camp even more! Hades will never get his hands on the Helm of Darkness again! The script is so bad!

-What a strange name! Never heard of it!! But okay, I'm William Andrew Solace! Just call me Will Solace for short.

The boy crossed his arms, his face as if he was examining me. I can't stay here for long! What should I do..

-Are you the female Batman? The warrior of justice in the dark!!

Will said in a smug, somewhat excited voice, the boy seemed very confident in his deduction.
Huh? Batman..?? What the hell is this? Justice warrior in the dark?? What the hell!? I was gaping, not understanding what the boy was talking about.

-What? I see you guessed it right!! I knew it just by looking at you!! You have a great vibe of working in the dark!! Why are you here?? Hero in the dark? But isn't your name Stephanie or something? Oh, that must be your fake name!?

The boy chuckled as he spoke, seeming very happy to meet me. Um..being mistaken for the female Batman seems to be an honor, right..? Do I look like a hero? Bianca had been worried that I was a child abductor for the past 6 months or 2 days ago.It seemed like this boy had an unusual taste when it came to the words "cool" and "hero-like". Suddenly an idea popped into my head.

Annabeth chase and the olympians (A percy jackson swap parent au fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now