Chapter 7 - The Train, The Reaping

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Y/n's pov

*The TV suddenly turns on. The capital anthem plays before Ceaser Flickerman and Claudius Templesmith come on. They talk about how the reaping was interesting. They say the reaping was interesting every year, how can it be any different this year? "District 1" shows on the screen before the woman in blue, who I'm assuming is their escort, asks for any female volunteers, a hand rises, and the tall blonde girl comes out. She is taken to the stage and asked her for name, "Glimmer Belcourt" she says, the woman then asked for any volunteers from the boys section and a hand rises wanting to volunteer, the tall but muscular brunette gets to the stage and when asked his name says "Marvel Sanford". An image of both their faces comes up with their names underneath.*

"They're careers, and they look pretty good, so they'll definitely be a problem. You'll want to stay well away from them." Blight says, motioning to the TV. *"District 2" appears on the screen before a man in green asks for any volunteers, suddenly a bunch of hands raise and girls shout wanting to volunteer but when a petite brunette girl jogged to the stage the others put their hands down, she is asked her name and says it is "Clove Kentwell" and then the boys are asked for volunteers but this time it is even more chaotic, even more hands are raised and this time several people rush to the stage but when a tall, very muscular blond boy gets to the stage the other are stopped by peacekeepers he says his name is "Cato Hadley" then like with district 1 both their faces come up and their names underneath.*

"You know what I said about the last set of tributes. Well, these two, you'll definitely have to take that advice if you want to survive simply the bloodbath." Blight says.

"And Brutus said their reapings were organised....looks very organised." Johanna says sarcastically. *District 3 is less chaotic a women in red calls out the name "Amber Prescott" the small brunette walks to the stage and then the women calls out "Noah Nelson" he walks to the stage and again their faces and names come up. Every other district is the same, well that is until ours. Evangeline calls out, "Elsie l/n." and I see myself rush to the middle volunteering for her, then Izzy comes to talk to us, then Logan picks Elsie up. How is Elsie feeling? How is Izzy feeling? How is Logan feeling? How are my parents feeling? She was just dragged away from me as I was signing up to go into a death game. I see Evangeline ask my name, I say it then she calls out for "Wallace Ly" he slowly comes up but I'm not focused on how he reacts, I'm focused on how I looked. Okay, I was looking down, that is what a scared person would do, I just hope the capital bought it.*

"Why did none of you tell me I had some of the green mascara on my eyelid!" Evangeline shouts fixing it on herself now. *Blight chuckles at her exclamation.*

"Oh, I'm so sorry for not telling you your mascara had rubbed onto your eyelid. Because I definitely knew, as I was right, in front of you." Johanna replies sarcastically.

"Funny." Evangeline says, clearly not impressed. *The rest of the reaping goes the same as before district 7. When it gets to district 11, I feel bad for the girl and then properly realise how fucked up the games are. A small 12 year old girl with shoulder length coily hair is reaped, her name is "Rue Stenberg", I start to feel sympathy for her, being reaped at 12 years gives her no chance in surviving, let alone the fact she is from District 11. Her district partner is tall and strong, I don't even think to question if I can survive against him. I just hope he protects her and makes sure she has a quick painless death. "District 12" then appears on the screen before a woman the same outfit as Evangeline but in pinky purple colour and with a hat, calls out for "Primrose Everdeen" I witness a similar thing with what happend with me and Elsie. A brunette girl in blue comes rushing out volunteering, they meet in the middle and then suddenly a tall brunette boy comes and carries Primrose away, when asked for her name she replys "Katniss Everdeen". So they are sisters, just how I volunteered for s/n but because they are from 12 and we are from 7 it's going to be a bigger deal as they are the most outlying district, but me and Elsie are only a middle district.*

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