Chapter 2: A Only Solution.

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Stella thought to herself after hearing the request, "I knew it ; no one in the world does something for nothing."
Emma interrupted her thoughts, asking," So, what do you think about it ? "
Stella, feeling cornered but resigned to her situation, replied, "I agree. "
After all, she had no other choice.
Emma, clearly pleased, responded cheerfully, " That’s great !"
Stella asked, " When am I going ? "
"You’ll be going in a week. The trip is by sea, and you’ll arrive in about two days."
" Where exactly is this trip taking me ?"
"To the continent in the North."
Stella’s eyes widened slightly, " You mean that nature reserve ?"
Emma laughed softly, reassuring her, "Yes, but don’t worry. Since you love science as much as I do, you’ll enjoy it. Opportunities like this don’t come often."
Although Stella was already feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension, she kept her emotions in check and didn’t show it.
Emma continued with a hint of sincerity,
" You know, if my mom wasn’t sick, I would have gone myself. And I want you to know, even if I couldn’t go on this trip, I would have still helped you, Stella."
"How kind of you! I might have believed that if I were naive, but you cornered me into this yesterday."she thought sarcastically.
These thoughts crossed her mind, but she kept them to herself, aware that she had already agreed to the arrangement.
After Stella returned to the hospital, she went to her mother and brother. Her mother, with a tone of reproach, said, “Stella, where have you been ? You left Jean here alone !”
Stella replied, “Mom, I found a solution to our problem.”
Her mother’s face turned to surprise. “How ?”
Stella told her mother everything, not hiding any details. Her mother, still angry, said, “What kind of trip is this ? What kind of studies ? And with people you don’t even know ? Are you crazy? Stella!”
She tried to reassure her, “Mom, don’t worry. It’s just an exploration trip in a reserve. Please remember what’s most important to us right now.”
“But Stella…”
She answered calmly, “Mom, I promise I’ll come back. Dad will be in good health, and I’ll finally be able to fulfill my childhood dream.”
Stella had always dreamed of becoming a researcher and explorer, traveling to all corners of the world. She was determined to enroll in her dream university to achieve this goal, and this trip seemed like the opportunity that could also improve her family’s situation.
Two days later, Emma called Stella to meet at the same place. She talked in detail about her life, sharing her habits, hobbies, family, friends, and even the colleagues who would accompany her on the trip.
Stella took note of everything she needed to fully assume Emma’s role. As for the minor differences in appearance and speech, they agreed that Stella would pretend to wear contact lenses if anyone asked about her eyes. Since her colleagues were researchers, they were very observant. For her voice, Emma suggested that Stella claim she was recovering from a cold.
The plan was that on the day of the trip, Stella’s father would undergo surgery, and everything was set.
Stella agreed to everything.
Later that day, the two agreed to meet again on the day of the trip at the port.
Stella was confident in her decision ; it was all for her family. Besides, going on a trip and impersonating someone didn’t seem like a very dangerous task, especially since Emma was a wealthy girl from a prominent family. Her father was a well-known engineer and businessman, and her mother a famous fashion designer. Moreover, Emma seemed trustworthy and sincere.
Stella spent four days with her family in the hospital. Her father’s condition remained the same, but she wasn’t overly worried ; the surgery was scheduled, and the costs were fully covered. All that was left was to go on the trip and return five months later as agreed.
These days passed quickly, and soon the day of the trip arrived. Stella gathered her things, all prepared by Emma.
She hugged Jean, saying, “You have to take care of Mom and Dad while I’m gone. I’m counting on you.”
Jean, in a sad tone, replied, “I will, sister.”
Then she hugged her mother. “Mom, don’t worry about me. I promise I’ll come back. Just take care of yourself and them.”
Her mother, with a mixture of trust and concern, said, “I trust you. Come back safe.”
After saying goodbye to her family, Stella headed to the port to meet Emma.

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