Chapter 9 : The Real Journey.

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"That's what I want." Stella was cheerful .
"I should hesitate a little to go to look more credible."
"Thank you, Sir, for your attention, but I'm afraid that someone will come here looking for me in the area and not find me."
"But he's going to find Meryl and Helena here, along with the villagers too, so don't worry about that."
"You should go home, your parents will be worried, right ?"
"Yeah, you're right, but…"
"So no objections, you will come back with us, as a result, it's been a month and no one has come, they may think that you died or something. Will you stay here forever ?"
"Yes, you're right, that may be what happened."
"So, what's your decision ?"
"I'm leaving with you."
Albert said with satisfaction, "Well, you're going to join us on our trip, I hope you like it."
"Thank you, Sir."
"We will leave in exactly three days, we will meet in the Square, and now I should leave, because I have some work with the guys, see you on the date."
Meryl and Helena said goodbye to him, Stella fully expected that this man would be of some use to him.
"Great, now my expedition will already begin."
Three days later, Stella packed her things to leave the village, they were scheduled to leave at dawn.
The three headed to the village square where they were waiting for her, Helena and Meryl are saddened by Stella's departure.
"That's why I don't like goodbyes."
Tears were on the edge of Helena's eyes as she said goodbye to her, "Goodbye Alena, take care of yourself." and hugged her.
Meryl was in the same condition as her daughter, patting Stella's head and saying , "I hope you arrive at your family safe, accompanied by safety all of you."
Albert came up to them and said, "Oh , Helena, you're not growing up, you're still crying so fast. Come on, come and say goodbye. We may not see each other for another year."
Helena hugged him, "Take care of yourself."
The two bid them farewell and departed accompanied by the caravan.
Stella looked at the two waving at her, and she was in the carriage, she thought about this month that spent with them,  if she hadn't met Helena in the forest, what would have happened to her ?She was grateful to them for everything from the bottom of her heart, and at the same time she has a feeling of guilt for lying to them.
She has always been an honest person who hates lies and hypocrisy.
"I'm sorry, but I have no other solution."
She was thinking about everything that had happened since she came to this place, and suddenly she was interrupted by the person with her. At twelve years old, the young boy is diminutive in stature, with a slight inclination towards plumpness. His features are gentle and endearing. 
He asked her, "Are you from this village ?"
Stella, "No."
Suddenly the little boy cried out in pain, someone  pinching his earlobe very hard, it's his mother, she cried to him, saying , "Didn't I tell you that you should not annoying me in my sleep ?"
He replied, shouting , "Aaah , I am sorry Mother !"
This woman was one of the merchants in the caravan. She turned towards Stella, saying , "I'm sorry, Miss, this brat must have bothered you."
"No, there's no inconvenience, please let it go now."
The boy shouted at his mother, "You Heard, didn't you ?  I didn't bother anyone !"
This boy is named John and this merchant is his mother, named Alma.
She was the only woman in the caravan, so Albert asked her to share the carriage with Stella so that she would be comfortable.
After his mother fell asleep again, John talked all the way with Stella, he would tell her about what he had seen with the caravan in previous years, he said that once they got stuck in a storm and several other hardships.
Stella was listening to him attentively, this was to get an idea of life on the continent as a whole, any details would be useful.
After a day on the road, Albert and the merchants decided to rest, especially since night had fallen, and besides, the horses liked to rest too.
Alma had woken up from sleep, and someone came to the carriage and said, "Mrs. Alma, we will rest here tonight and at dawn, we will set off again."
Alma asked, "What area are we in now ?"
He replied, "Um, we have passed the willow forest …" Before he finished speaking, she interrupted him nervously, "Don't tell me we are close to that village. Haven't you found another place to rest ?"
He spoke with fear, "Actually the horses are tired, and also most of us are hungry if Mr. Albert decides to stay here today."
She grumbled, putting the fingers of her hand on her forehead,  "My god, these people."
After hearing this, Stella wondered to herself, "Which village is this ? Why is she so upset ?"
She turned her face to John, to ask him, but it caught her eye that his features were filled with fear and horror. 
She poked him, saying , "Boy, why is everyone here upset ? What's in this place ?"
Shocked, he replied, "Do you not know ?"
"Of course not, because I'm not from this region. Come on, tell me."
"I will tell you, but please don't mention her name in front of my mother, okay ?"

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