Chapter 14: A Problem.

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Stella tried in despair to free herself from his grip, but she couldn't, this person was much stronger than her.
She screamed," Hey, what are you doing ? Let me go, or I will scream at the top of my lungs, then you will blame yourself."
He replied mockingly, " What ? Hah ! If anyone here is going to scream, it should be me. Now, tell me, what were you doing in my carriage ? Did you steal something ? Answer."
Stella became more agitated after hearing his accusation, "Steal ? You must be a fool. Who would even covet such petty things you have ?"
He responded with the same coldness, "Really ? So, you have other intentions besides stealing as well ? Shame on you."
Stella became even more upset and decided to scream indeed, but before she could, she felt herself losing her balance and falling to the ground.
She cursed, "You bastard ! What are you doing ?"
" What did you say ? You deceitful thief."
Stella became even more provoked.
She was thinking about leaving him without a second thought. However, after what happened, she decided to teach him a lesson.
She turned to see who this arrogant was.
A young man looks in his twenties, tall and lean, with fair flawless skin and average features, displays an air of arrogance and pride.
His long brown hair falls smoothly to his shoulders, framing sharp eyes that speak of conceit.
He wears well-coordinated clothes in rich colors, seemingly of good material, enhancing his aura of arrogance and haughtiness.
"You're insisting on making sure you let me know that you're rude."
"Oh, look who's talking about rudeness, don't think that everyone is like you, idiot."
"Idiot ?"
"Yes, idiot, if you weren't, you wouldn't have behaved like this with anyone. Without even asking, you attacked me and accused me…"
Before she could finish speaking, they were interrupted by a man rushing up to the young man, saying ," Mr. Adam, there is a problem !"
He was pale, agitated, approached the young man's ear and said something, after hearing that he spoke indifferently, "Huh, I was surprised that she hadn't done it yet."
Stella was surprised by his reaction, "The news must be bad and he's still so indifferent ?"
The two were talking to each other in a low voice, while Stella was still sitting on the floor.
" Good, the bastard is busy, I have to take the opportunity and leave now before the problem gets bigger. I'm indeed leaving now, but I know what he looks like very well, I'll make sure he regrets it later."
She quickly got up to move away, but the same hand grabbed her from the same place.
"Where do you think you're going, you haven't answered me yet, what were you doing in the carriage ? If you don't answer, I'm gonna throw you in jail for theft."
"I told you I didn't steal, I just was…"
She stopped talking after she almost told the truth.
"Listen, I'm going to give you one last chance, if you tell me what you have been doing other than stealing, I'll forgive you."
" I've been hiding."
" From what ?"
" There were a bunch of people following me, I couldn't find anywhere else so I ended up in your carriage, and I apologize for that."
After hearing that, he let go of her collar, but without knocking her down this time, he gave her a closer look, and then said, "You are not from here are you ?"
She thought a little before answering," I am from the West."
She had already decided that she was going to change the area where she came from after parting from the convoy, she chose the West because of Helena. 
Helena's father was from the West, and she looked like him, unlike everyone else Stella and Helena looked a little similar, especially the skin color, so she chose the West.
His features suddenly turned from indifference to seriousness, after a moment of silence, he said," Did you come to here yesterday ?"
This made Stella get provoked again, she replied," It's none of your business, you've cleared up the misunderstanding now, so let me go."
She turned around to relax before he stopped her saying," I have a job for you."
"What nonsense again ? I told you to leave me alone."
He smiled and said," You know, the story you told didn't convince me, I still doubt that you wanted to steal, and I also have a witness to it, so…"
Stella looked at him," What do you want ?"
She is a smart person after all.
"Well done, you are smarter than I expected."
"Stop the nonsense and tell me what you want ?"
"Can you work as a nanny ?"

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