Black and Blue (Hiroki Got That Dawg In Him Part 2)

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Kanako POV


"This is 92.4FM, The JoJo, with our afternoon news hosts, Jobin and Jomei!" exclaimed a robotic voice.

"Thank you, thank you! We got an updated report on hurricane Kokujin, which has been developing over the Atlantic ocean since yesterday." Jomei stated.

"Oh~! Are we in for a rainy day?" Jobin asked.

"It's a little worse than that, Jobin. The path it's currently taking will be going directly over several prefectures, with the impact of the hurricane to cause short-term damage in these areas." Jomei explained.

"Oh man~! I need to stock up on umbrella's pronto! When should we expect these rainy days?" Jobin probed.

"Around a week from now, Jobin. Just enough time to prepare and get stuff ready for staying in! I'm honestly a little excited for an excuse to stay in and binge my favorite shows~!" Jomei said with joy.

"Oh my gawd! Same! What are you catching up on?" Jobin pondered.

"Right now? Currently I'm watching this show about these bizarre mobsters-" Jomei was saying before I turned down the radio.



I thought I studied enough for even getting into this college, and now my ass is in the hot seat every time we do an exam!

Usually driving home chills my nerves, but I feel like only a good bath is gonna make me feel better.


Who's that walking alone on the sidewalk?

He looks pretty beat, wonder what happened?

Wait... gotta be kidding me!

I roll down my window.

"Hey! H-Hiroki?" I asked.

"Huh? Kanako! How was classes today?" Hiroki wondered.

"T-That's not important! Get in! You look like you were making out with the ground!" I demanded.

He takes up the seat next to me.

"So. Did ya win?" I pondered.

"Huh?" Hiroki said confused.

"Bro, you don't get messed up that hard unless you were in a scrap! Did you win?" I wondered.

"He tried to beat me. Tried." Hiroki said with a smug face.

Before I start driving, I give him a noogie.

"That's my brother! Though, let me see your face a little closer." I requested.

I observed his face.

"Damn! Black eye, busted lip, even a broken nose! Hopefully mom can fix you up, assuming we don't need a hospital visit." I remarked.

"Come on, I'm not that roughed up!" Hiroki stated.

I flicked his head.

"Yeah? Well, let's see what mom says about that." I say before starting the car back up.


Kaede POV

*Ding dong*


Oh! Someone must be home!

I open the door, being greeted by my lovely children.

"Kanako! Hiro-" I cut myself off upon looking at Hiroki.

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