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Yoongi sighed as he sat at his desk in his studio. He was working on the last song for his album but he was having trouble finishing it. He was worried about Jungkook. He only ever saw them during their dance rehearsals and before Yoongi could ever talk to him, Jungkook would vanish.

He didn't have much luck with him as Yoonji either. He wasn't sure if maybe Jungkook finally registered what he had said, but no because Jungkook would have definitely asked Yoongi to repeat himself when he had initially told him.

Maybe Jimin- no Jimin would never... maybe he accidentally told Taehyung and Taehyung had told Jungkook so now Jungkook was avoiding the fuck out of Yoongi because he probably thinks Yoongi is sick in the fucking head!

Or maybe... maybe Yoongi is being selfish; as per usual lately. Maybe Jungkook was going through something entirely unrelated to Yoongi/Yoonji.

He sighed out again as he leaned back in his seat and rubbed his eyes. They hurt from start his screen for so long and his bones were starting to hurt. So Yoongi got up and left his studio to go work on his dance. He was definitely not confident in it yet and needed all the time he could get to practice.

He wasn't expecting anyone to be there so late, but he should have known better. Hoseok was in the zone, dancing his heart out when he walked in.

Hoseok stopped and turned to him with a smile before he stopped his music and went to go stop recording, which Yoongi didn't notice he was doing before.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean-"

"You're all good! Were you looking for me?" He asked.

Yoongi shook his head. "No... I just figured to take a break and move around... practice my dance." He said.

"I can go over it with you if you'd like." He said.

"Both of them?" He asked.

Hoseok wiped his face with his towel. "Well, I actually spoke with Bang PD-nim, I suggested that you just move around how you want to during your part since you're rapping really fast." He said.

Yoongi's eyes widened. "Huh?! Really?! I don't have to dance with Jungkook?" He asked.

Hoseok nodded. "You both will be able to interact with the crowd during your part then you can join Jungkook doing the dance for the last chorus if you want to but you don't have to." He said.

"Wow, thank you! A lot!" Yoongi said.

"... you should be thanking Jungkook... it was his idea. He was worried it might be too much for you. Then everything got moved up too." Hoseok said.

Yoongi pouted. "Right... I will if I can ever catch him... I think he's been avoiding me." He said.

Hoseok kept quiet even though he knew everything that had transpired between them. "Let's get to work." He said before he started Yoongi's music.

They stayed and worked well into the night. Hoseok was the first to stop. "Alright, I'm going home and getting some rest. I suggest that you do the same." He said before he grabbed his things.

Yoongi could only hold up his thumb as Hoseok started to leave before he backtracked.

"You busy tomorrow night?" He asked. Yoongi shook his head before he looked up at Hoseok. Hoseok turned to him. "I'm having a party. You should come." He said.

Yoongi nodded. "Okay."

Hoseok smiled. "Great! You better actually show up! Something about you tells me you don't go out much. You'll have a lot of fun. I'll text you the details later tonight. But seriously go home and sleep." Hoseok said before he left.

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