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𝐚𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐚𝐡 𝐩𝐨𝐯

Opening the door to the airbnb there were shouts of celebrations and party streamers going everywhere. It seems like I was coming home from a tour or something.

"What the fuck guys! I literally missed my flight, not coming home after a tour." I laughed as I gave them all a hug,

"Sleepyhead! Can't believe you slept through again."

"You're making it seem like i sleep through everything Tobi."

"You said it not me" I whacked his head when he said that and he rubbed his head and gave me a stare back. I only shrugged and laughed as I went to look for Arthur whom was speaking to Simon and Chris.


"Yea Aquilah,"

"Can I have my bag please?"

"Oh yeah! Simon said there was a room here- that is uh-if you um-wanted to stay here obviously."

"Do you mind showing me where it is?" He gave a confused looked, then looked at Simon and back at me.

"Yes of course Arthur will show you where your room is!"

"But- I don't kn-"

"Next to where yours is, you'll see your luggage."

Arthur took my hand and I swear I could feel the butterflies coming up my throat, I instantly felt myself get clammy hands and quickly let go of his hand to wipe them, I hesitated before holding his hand firmly and giving it a squeeze. When I looked up at the brunette boy, he just had a smile plastered across his face. 

As we walked up the stairs, he let go of my hand and I instantly felt his warm embrace leave but quickly return as it went to the small. of my back guiding me up the stairs. I swear, I felt a shiver go down my spine. Fucking hell Aquilah, hold yourself together. It's embarrassing. 

I look up and started to take in the house itself, I saw all the beautiful paintings scattered across the long white walls, small potted plants on the floor and a bookcase with hundreds of books to possibly read. As Arthur and I walked through the corridor, I couldn't help but look through each door. The stories of each room, Chris with his suitcase tucked in the corner neatly, always wanting to be organised, JJ's room had a messy bed, he already took his daily nap and Simon's room next door freakishly neat, he was missing Talia. 

We soon neared the end of the corridor and there were two doors, one on the left and one on the right. As I turned to look to the left, I saw a small suitcase and the iconic backpack that Arthur carries around everywhere. And I mean everywhere. I turned to the right and saw a room, so neat it felt like a hotel room, untouched and new. The white sheets on the bed pushed against the back wall with a chest of drawers to the right. There was a small vanity near the left side with another door.

"What's that door lead to?"

"Maybe a closet?"


Arthur handed me my bag and scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

"I'm uh-gonna go and unpack my own suitcase and put my things away. Simon told me that everyone is just gonna chill and explore the house still but they made a dinner for 8pm at some restaurant Harry chose."

"I hope it's that Thai place! It's only a ten minute walk from this area."

"I forget you're from here too."

"Do I need to call my mum to pick me up for you to remember next time?" He quickly shot up his hands, shaking his head quickly,

"No no no, I won't forget again."

"For someone that remembered me so clearly, you let that slip your mind quickly."

"I guess because it's like Harry was there giving us the rundown at the airport and someone was too busy sleeping to not be there." He tapped my nose lightly with his finger and I had to look away and laugh to hide the flushed cheeks I got from the small touch. 

"Okay I get it, I'm gonna go unpack then take a nap okay?"

"Sure, I'll wake you up in a few hours if need be." And with that I walked into my room and placed my bag on the bed, slowly unpacking my things from it and placing it in the drawers. I looked at the door and opened it, it led to a bathroom. How did I manage to land the ensuite, I would've thought Harry claimed it. As I began putting my toiletries into the bathroom, I hear noise. I looked into my room to see if someone was in there but there was nothing. I continued to unpack my things and once that I was done, I decided to take a nap. 

I quickly went into the bathroom, locking the door and hopped into the shower, as I was finishing up, I heard another creak. I turned the shower off and slowly slid the door across just so my face could poke out to see...


"AHHH! I'M SO SORRY!" He quickly scrambled away and shut the door behind, so embarrassing. I stepped out of the shower and wrapped myself in a towel before looking to my right, of course we get the connecting bathroom. I opened the door and poked my head out to see Arthur on his bed, scrolling through his phone.

"Hey, um-sorry about before. I just got startled and bit scared to be honest. Um-the bathroom is free if you want to go in now, sorry."

"Oh uh- it's um, it's okay don't stress. I uh-should've knocked b-before."

"I'm going for a nap now, can you wake me up if I'm still sleeping at 5pm."

"Sure!" With that I turned around and went back into the bathroom and entered my own room, I locked my bedroom door and changed into something comfy; an old oversized tee and some grey sweatpants. I put a story up on my insta before putting my phone on silent mode and falling asleep.

 I put a story up on my insta before putting my phone on silent mode and falling asleep

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AUTHORS NOTE: heyyyy everyone, just wanted to say thank you all so much for reading the story it means a lot!! there will deffo be more fluff and cute scenes with Aquilah and Arthur but i'm gonna try and make it a slow burn and you'll see why 😉 i love you all so much and hope yall have a great day 🩷💋 

𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐲 𝐌𝐞? || Arthur TV FanficWhere stories live. Discover now