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Audrey's POV

I walked over to Taylor who was looking at me smiling. We both walked over where Cameron wasn't. He held my hand, I looked at him and smiled.

"Is this ok." I nodded "We'll I'm glad your not mad at me.
"I'm glad you like me." I smiled even more. He smiled along.
"One question why didn't you go in talent shows. When you have a amazing talent?"
"You mean we would judge you." I nodded.
"Can you sing for me right now?" I shook my head. I didn't want Cameron to see.
"Come on please."

I shook my head faster. He begged and begged. He wasn't getting anything out of me.

"Fine!" He pouted.
"No, no, I just don't want Cameron to hear me." He looked up at me and smiled.
"He's behind you." I turned around. I saw Cameron smiling also.

"Sing." He said
"What no."
"I have a regeust 'see you again'."
"Yeah I can rap you can sing."
"Uhh I better go, its 8:56. And I have to get ready for bed." They nodded.
"Well I'm coming over here tomorrow." Cameron said. Taylor nodded In agreement.

I ran inside, and saw my mom and my brother. They were sitting on the couch, watching TV.
"Hi." I said. My brother turned around seeing me.
"Oh hey Destiny."
"What were you doing out there for so long. I heard the door open earlier. Was that you?" My mom said.
"Uhh yeah had to get something. But now I forgot my phone be right back."

I opened the door I saw Cameron he was about to knock on the door. I looked over to my mom and brother. And quickly got out the house.
"What are you still doing here?" I whisper/shouted walking on the porch and closing the door.
"Oh um you forgot your phone on the seat."
"Well thank you."
"Also, I wanted to apologize. I am a total jerk. I feel your pain about your dad. I wish I had a dad to give me a speech."

I smiled, I forgave him for that. But everything he's done to me at school. Embarrassed me in front of the whole school. Pulling down my shorts.
"I forgive you for that. But everything you've done to me at school I'm done with you." I grabbed my phone and walked away. I felt his hand on my arm, rubbing it.
"I-i am sorry about that to."
"A sorry won't cut it Cameron. You fucking embarrassed me. Why would you pull down my shorts?"
"Well for one the panties you had on made you look innocent. And second I was being really stupid."
"Wait what my panties make me look innocent? Why were you looking down there creep."
"Well I don't only think your pretty. I like you a lot."
"That's your excuse. Cameron you don't like me because of me. You just feel bad for me."
"No I like you, serious."
"Ok if you like me a lot. Then tell me 'I love you'." Why did I just say that.
"Ok I love you." He stroked my cheek. I don't like Cameron. But I do so much. I like Taylor.

I heard Taylor's voice.

"What the hell do you think your doing Cameron." Cameron had a nervous face and turned around.
"She forgot her phone here." Taylor looked at me and him over and over.
"Well didn't you forget your phone at my house to."
"Oh yeah, thanks dude." Taylor passed the phone over to him. And faked smiled.
"Uhh Cameron don't you remember when I was saying I wanted Destiny asy girlfriend." I blushed a bit remembering that.
"Oh yeah, I forgot."
"You sure do forget a lot of things." Cameron looked at me and Taylor. He smiled.
"Yeah well you guys will sure make a good couple." He walked off the porch and got in his car.

I waved at him telling him goodbye. He waved a little and drove away.
"Taylor, we were just talking." He looked at me and smiled big.
"I know he has a crush on you Destiny."
"Well I really do like you Taylor."
"I know you do." He came up to me and grabbed me by the waist. I felt his lips on mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck. And loved his touch. I heard the screen door open and saw my brother.

"Ooo Destiny has a boyfriend." I got so angry.
"Go away Jordon."
"Ok." He closed the screen door and left. I pulled away from the hug/kiss.
"Sorry about that."
"Its fine."
"Well see you tomorrow." He gave me a kiss on the lips one last time and left.
"Oh wait forgot." He passed me his light blue bandanna.
"What is this for."
"I thought you might like one."
"Yes, thank you." I hugged him and he left for real this time.

I was blushing. I love his personality. He was real sweet.


Hello every person reading this. I'm bored. Its 12:00, but I'm not that tired. Vote, comment, and follow. Sorry for the late update. I am really lazy.

Love yah bye

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