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Destiny's POV

I got to the hotel, if Cameron cared he would've ran after me. He doesn't, im nothing to him. I ran to Taylor's room.
"Destiny whats wrong!"
"Im nothing to him, he doesnt care about me. The whole time I dated him he was cheating on me."
"Wait what?"

I heard the door open, it was Cameron! What the hell was he doing here.
"Taylor I'm stupid, i just had to hurt her, i just had to be a stupid ass." He was not looking at Taylor so he could see him and i. But he finally looked at me.
"Why Cameron, shes not a toy."
"Im sorry Destiny."
"I'll talk to you later Taylor. Bye"

I walked out of the room and went to Mahogany and i room. She got up and hugged me, we know what we both feel.
"Im so sorry."
"Cheated on you."
"Yes how'd you know."
"Well it on the internet. Someone recored it. I cried."
"Really? Oh."
"Yeah, you want to watch?" I looked at like bruh.
"I went threw enough with him im done."

Taylor's POV

"You are the stupidest person ever. You cheat on her, you beat her, you cheat on her more. Your a dumb ass, i hate you!"
"Im sorry ok, Taylor im really dumb."
"Yes you are, she will never love you again! She trusted you, she let you have all the love she had. And you go and be a bitch!"
"Im not a female do-"
"Whatever, your an ass."
"I know."

I am so mad right now. I just want to choke him. But hes my friend, my most hated friend. I just have to calm down.

Destiny's POV

I decided to go to sleep. Make my self calm down. I just need to relax.

I woke up from the long nap. And everyone was asleep. I went on twitter, everyone felt bad for me.

@Destiny Smith: I just need to get everything out of my head.

@Taylor Caniff: Im sorry baby girl I'll keep you happy.

@Nash Grier: What happened?

@Mahogany *LOX*: My best friend in the whole wide world is hurt i cant belive you @Cameron Dallas

@Cameron Dallas: Will i ever get forgiven. It was a mistake, i am really stupid. Im sorry @Destiny Smith

Everyone was tweeting about it. But i was tired of it, i just want it be in the passed. Even though it was like 5 hours ago.

I was getting hungry but it was to late get food. I'll just have water, but, i need ice. I got up grabbed the bucket and went to the ice machine.

I saw Aaron getting a soda.
"Hey Aaron."
"Hi, i am so tired."
"Go to sleep."
"I cant, i dont know why."
"Well soda won't help you."
"Im getting water."
"Well i can just give you some."
"Do you want it cold."
"Nah I'll take whatever."
"Ok here." I grabbed a water bottle out of the bag.
"Thanks." He gave me a hug and left.

I put ice in the bucket and headed back to my room. I put the water bottles in it and laid down.

I went on instagram, it was nothing just likes and comments. I liked peoples photos when i saw Camerons post with that girl.
'Best friend in the whole world'

But what got me was that she was kissing him. Who kisses there best friends. Im done with him, forever done.

I woke up after like 20 minutes of getting some z's. Everyone was awake to. We all decides on getting breakfast before we had to go. Bart was gonna handle the stage.

"How about that place."
"Sure lets go."

Hello so i didnt update yesterday because i fell asleep so yeah. Anyway hope you really like this book. There is gonna be around 10-15 chapters left. Hope your exited because my other storie 'Meeting the dream' is gonna get a little crazy. I mean who wouldnt love to read a Shawn Mendes fan fic. I also have something to confess. I dont really like Nash, he isnt like. Matt, Cameron, or Shawn's personality. I think hes more serious. And hes not doing good right now, i hate him because he doesnt want to have Magcon back. Who doesnt want that. He doesnt want to always be called one of the Magcon boys. I think hes getting more mean. But its my opinion, so dont go hating.

Love ya, smile<3

Bullied by Magcon guys | A Magcon fanfic [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now