Bad memories

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Destiny's POV

Dont you have those days were you just over think. Im having one, just the memories hurt. One memory after another. A knock appeared on my door. I didnt want people to see me like this. I wiped my tears away and opened the door.
"I need to borrow a jacket."
"Hello to you to. But i dont have one your size. You can wear a hoodie."
"No you wear one your cuter in them."
"Thank you?" Taylor came in the room.
"Are you mad at me?" I ask confused.
"No, i just am really tired."
"Well go to sleep."
"I cant."

He picked me up and i wrapped my legs sround his waist.
"I love you."
"Were not even dating."
"I still do though."
"Well i love you to."
"Good" He kisses me, pecking my lips.

"Im sorry, i cant do this."
"I just need time." He sits down on the bed, and i let my legs drop.
"Come on." He beggs.
"I just think i take things to fast."
"I do to."
"But-" He cuts me off with another pecking kiss. I try pulling away but is grip is strong.

I finally get out of the kiss, and look at him.
"Im over thinking."
"Yeah you are be with-"
"No im over thinking. Im thinking about before we started dating, how i always was broken."
"I know sometimes i do the same."
"I think of when you always beat me."

He nodded.
"Well can we be 'best friends' if you know what i mean?"
"Yeah i do."
"Good" he kisses me real quick and sets me to the side of the bed.
"Will you put in a hoodie in for me?"
"Sure" He smiles and leaves.

I go to the suitcase, and grab a Cameron Dallas hoodie. I know that were not together, but his is really cool. And i grab some dark shorts.

I walk out and see the boys.
"Hey guys."
"Hey Destiny." They all say. I look at Taylor smiling.
"Your wearing my hoodie."
"Yeah, i like it 'cause the designs."
"Oh, not because of me."
"Shutup!" I punch his shoulder playfully.

We walk to the limo, to go to the convention. There were fans all around the hotel. We were literally swimming through them. But we finally got to the limo. Everyone got in it and sat down.
"Damn!" Taylor yelled.
"I know right." I said.

We all just sit there in silence.
"So..." I say. Taylor comes and sits by me. He puts his arm over me and grinned. I rest my head on his shoulder and he holds me tight.
"Get a room."
"What?" Taylor says confused.
"You dont need to do that in front of me."
"What do want me to do push her off if me."
"Im just her ex-boyfriend and it makes me uncomfortable."
"I dont have to listen to you."
"Just saying."

I look at Taylor, and he's making those funny faces to Cameron. I kiss his cheek, and his head shot to me. He kissed my cheek and i just smiled.

We finally got to the convention, i was so exited and nervous. We went backstage, i post a picture of the building on snapchat.

I looked at all the guys, and they were picking threw the food. Me and Mahogany laughed. I grabbed some grapes and plopped them in my mouth. I saw Shawn sneak some little muffins in his mouth. He promised one day that he wouldn't eat muffins for a week. I laughed, and went to see the stage. I grabbed the mic and sang 'the weight' by shawn.

'I want to go back, forget that its over, painted in black, and you left me alone. I never knew she was sleeping next door with the kid I grew up with. And i cant go back to her anymore. No moooorrre'

'You tell me you were happier with him, you want me to stay. And you tell me that you needed time but, you pushed me away.'

I began to cry about the memories again. How Cameron hurt me when we were dating, cheating on me. Just in general lying to me. I wipe my tears away and fix my makeup. Even though i cant see myself. I walk to Mahogany, she started making me laugh and fixing my makeup.

Taylor's POV

I saw Mahogany making Destiny laugh and i geuss fixing her makeup. Why was she fixing her makeup. Destiny went to the bathroom, i walked to Mahogany i wonder whats wrong.
"Mahogany, whats wrong with Destiny."
"Just bad memories she's having,"
"Oh" She told me about that earlier. I did hear her singing but she stopped.

"Hey Shawn do you know why Destiny stopped singing."
"Problably cause it's a sad song, and Cameron." How would he know. But he did sing the song, and wrote it.

I just need to talk to her. I went to the girls bathroom and waited at the door.
"Destiny?" I hear sniffing, and cries, she keeps saying i cant silently.
"Destiny, are you ok."
"I just need to be alone." I need to see her.
"Destiny i need to see you."
"I look horrible."
"The only time you look horrible is when you cake yourself." I hear giggles.
"Remember when i heard those little laughs of yours before."
"There so cute."
"Really?" She said laughing.
"What! It's true!"
"I love you."
"I love you to."
"You know how much i mean that, right?"

I see her come out with a beautiful smile. She was wiping under her eyes.
"Your mascara's all gone." She laughs and her hand makes its way to her thigh. I walk closer to her, she looks at me smiling. I pick her up and smash my lips into hers. Her hands lost threw my hair making it messy.
I put her down and she smiles more.
"Lets go."

Destiny's POV

I run out and see Shawn and Cameron talking by the bathrooms.
"Hey guys." I hear footsteps and turn around. Taylor picked me up and spun me around, making me fill with laughter. He sets me down and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. He looks up and his smile turns to a strait face.

I turn around and see Cameron and Shawn looking the same way.
"You guys are back together?"
"Yeah" Taylor says quickly.
"Oh, well were happy for you."
"Were? Re-think that Shawn." Cameron leaves and slams the door that leads outside.
"What the hell is wrong with getting back together." Taylor said, i stayed silent i thought he would take this well. I geuss everything that i think is stupid. Everything that i think is not going to happen.


Well kinda of a long chapter at least to me. 'Cause it took so long to write! Im sorry i was doing a lot of things this weekend, and i have to post on my fan account on instagram. And school.... i just need to chill, listen to Shawn, and get on Wattpad and update. Thats all, well vote to make me happy. So yeah.

Love ya, bye

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