Im nothing

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Destiny's POV

I rode on a bus to go to a library. I love this place, it so beautiful, and seems so special. I wanted to make a video of trying British candy. I think there choclate is better here, mabey not but... i dont care. I dont like choclate so much, i dont know why.

I got to the library and it was like a regular library, books. I then saw Zoella's book. I quickly grabbed it, and saw one of Alfies books. I grabbed both and Joey's to. I want to make another video with him to. I then went to the cashier, bought them and left. I looked at Zoe's and opened it. Her signature was in it, yes luckiest girl in the world.

I started walked to the hotel, i need exercise anyways. I walked and walked. And remembered when Bart said Cameron wont be in the next meet and greet. I dont mind i wouldnt want any of the girls to get hurt. Also i bet none of the girls would want to meet him. After what he's done, anyways.

I walked more and more when i saw Cameron. He was in a girls car, crying. I hid and tried listening.
"I love her so much i cant believe i hurt her."
"Its ok Cameron, Vanessa will come back to you." VANESSA,WHAT! That girl had an accent. That girl was born here, that girl is with Cameron. What is my life, wait. Was i getting cheated on the whole time we were dating? Was i his extra, i was. I wasnt anything but his extra. Im done with him, i cant believe i was a joke. I tried hiding my face with my jacket, it didnt work of course. And geuss what I was CRYING! Gosh why does this happen.

"Destiny, wait!" He knew, he knew. This is perfect, not.
"L-leave me a-lone." I said stuttering.
"Im sorry"
"Was i a joke, was i your extra..... was i nothing to you?" I turned to him, he had stained cheeks. No comment, he said nothing! Im nothing, im shitty, im done, i cant do this.
"I geuss i am." I walked away with tears in my eyes.
"Destiny im sorry forgive me."

Dont look back, dont talk, just dont live Destiny.


Saddest chapter ever. I cried you guys, i cried. And two chapters today since this one was short.

)': love ya, smile

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