Is life real

349 6 1

Destiny's POV

We were in the limo, and Cameron kept looking at me. I just looked out the window. Mahogany was talking to me. I talked to her, she kept asking if i was ok. I said yes, but i just want to be alone. Shawn was talking to Hayes, JackG, and JackJ. Nash was telling Cameron to stop being a creep, while Cameron just kept staring at me. And Aaron was listening to music with Carter.

I didnt say anything back to Mahogany. She could tell i wanted to be alone so she just put her and on my shoulder and took it off seconds later.

We got to the Airport, and i got out of the limo. I saw girls talking to me about what happened with Cameron and i. Some surrounded Cameron and lots were surrounding Shawn. Talyor was right by me as with Mahogany.

We finally got in the Airport.

"Flight 347 to the UK in 10." The loud speaker thingy said.
"Lets go" Shawn said.

We got in the plane and I had to sit next to Cameron. But Shawn was right next to me.
"Im sorry Destiny." Cameron said, he put his hand on my thigh. I looked at him and he took it off.
"Dont talk to me at all Cameron."
"Look i only kissed her once."

"Cameron shut up. Leave her alone." Shawn sassed.
"Your not in this Shawn."
"I might not be in it. But she is really mad at you and she doesn't need you to keep talking. I see her getting annoyed."
"Shawn its ok, thanks for helping though." I said, he nodded.

I saw Shawn writing some lyrics down.
"Can i help you?" I asked.
"Nah, im gonna go to sleep. But thanks."
"No problem. Here im not gonna use this blanket."
"Ok thanks" I rest my head back. I turned my head to Cameron sleeping with his head down. Since im nice i gave him my pillow and put his head back.

We were finally in the UK. Its been my dream to go to the UK. I dont know why but its the best thing ever. I looked at Taylor and he looked all around. He smiled at me, and i smiled at him.
"I cant believe im here. Its been my dream to come here."
"It has?"
"Ever since i was 15, i wanted to go so bad. I watched these people Zoe, and Alfie. And they live here, and i hope to meet them."

We got to the hotel, and me a Mahogany went to our room. It was so beautiful, 2 beds, a giant tv, and it was massive.
"I love it already!" I said in excitement.
"I know right!"
"Ok lets go look around."
"Yes." We left our bags and left. I got to the front hotel doors, and a bunch of screaming fans were outside. Mahogany and i went out and stood on bricks. We started talking to the fans.
"Ok so my dream is to come here and it finally happened. And i love your guys accent." I said.
"What happened with you and Cameron!" A fan yelled. My heart dropped again.
"Well i geuss he just-it-it was just a little mistake."
"But did he cheat on you!" Another fan yelled.
"Oh, im sorry."
"Its ok. How about this you guys get in a line and we and Mahogany will take pictures with you!" They all started making the line. And it finally came to together.

After awhile all the fans left, and we an Mahogany walked to a restaurant. A lady sat us down, and ordered our drinks and food. I saw a girl dying inside looking at us. She finally came up to us and we took pictures with her.

We got our food and it was delicious.
"So are you and Cameron just gonna be friends."
"Yeah im gonna just be alone and single for awhile. I need it alot."
"Yeah but girl your to attractive. Nobody's gonna let you pass."
"Thanks but your perfect to- OHMYGODTHISISNTTRUE! RACHAEL HI!"
"What?" Mahogany said confused. RCLBEAUTY101 IS HERE. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME. I saw her look at me.

I jumped out of my seat and walked to her like a fangirl. She looked at me blushing, and i knew she recognize me because her eyes lit up. We both hugged and talked for awhile.


Hi so i added RCLbeauty101 in this chapter because she is in london right now. And i thought it would be the greatest idea ever. Plus i love her so much.

Love ya, smile

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