1 year later...

395 7 0

Destiny's POV

I woke up and Taylor was laying tight next to me.
"Oh my gawsh you scared me!"
"We have to get ready. We have to be there in a hour."
"Ok." He left the room. I went to the suitcase picking out a skater shirt, some jeans, and black vans.
I went to the bathroom, took a shower. Got dresses, brushed my teeth. I blowed dried my hair. Brushed it, straightened it, curled the ends. I put on light makeup. A bandanna that Taylor bought me, and tied it on the top. And a plaid shirt around my waist.

I walked out and saw Cameron. He spread his arms out. I ran and jumped in his arm. He laughed i did also.
"Tomorow is 1 year being together."
"I know im so exited."
"I love you." I kissed his cheek. He carried me the whole way down. I wrapped my legs around his waist and arms around his neck.

I looked at JackG and glared. He glared back. I dont care. Cameron put me down and fixed his shirt. I saw Shawn and ran up to him. We both hugged on tight. We let go and he put his hand on my head.
"What are you doing after?"
"Practice my vocals."
"Can i join?"
"Yeah!" I turned to Cameron he smiled. I walked to him and heard screaming. The fans. Cameron sighed and held my hand. We all walked out, took pictures. I gave 1 girl my number but i dont know. Should i've done that. Whatever, another fan to make happy.

We got in the car and drove away.

We were in the back, and there was breakfast. Shawn kept grabbimg the choclate muffins, while i grabbed a apple. Cameron was getting french toast. I sat by him, he smiled. I saw Nash, Taylor, Aaron, JackJ, and Shawn all sit at the same table as us.

We talked until when we had to go on stage.

We finished the meet and greet. And i was exhausted, i just wanted to lay down and sleep until next night.

Magcon is the best time of my life, but it is so tiring. I went to my hotel room, and passed out.


Hi guys do you know if Taylor swift already went to Kansas city. Because i want to meet her and Shawn soooo bad! I love Shawn so much and Taylor is like queen.

Please tell me!

Love ya, smile

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