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Destinys POV

I stared at the beautiful veiw. The oceans water was clear. He got out of the car and walked over to my side. He opened the door.
"Ma lady."
"Thank you"

We walked by a sandy area. But there was a plaid blanket with a basket.
"Sit down please."
"Ok." I sat down like I was wearing a skirt.
"What do you think?"
"Nobody has ever done this for me before." I could feel my cheeks get hot. A smile grew on my face.
"Well im glad im the first." He leaned towards me. And we kissed. After awhile we pulled away.

Camerons POV

"I'll be right back ok."
"Ok" She said like a little kid.

I walked to the car to pick something up. I got her a promise ring. Well I know its a little soon but I think she will like it. I walked over to the blanket. She wasnt there where could she be?
"Destiny!" No answer. This is not good. I could feel my heart beating fast.

Destinys POV

"Taylor let me go!"
"You wouldnt give me another chance."
"Why do mess up everything! I will never forgive you. When Cameron comes here he's going to beat you up!" I kicked and punch nothing would work.
"Stop squirming." He put me down.
"You happy now."
"Get in the car."
"GET in."
"Cameron?" He looked back. I ran into the front seat. I turned it on and drove away.
"Hi Destiny." Who said that! I turned my head towards the back.
"What are you doing here Jack." I looked at his white smile. Along with his brown hair. But mostly at the knife in his hand. He held the knife at my neck.
"Pull over or your dead."

I drove to the side, and he still held it to my neck.
"What are you doing!" I whimpered.
"You think we're gonna stop ruining your fat ass. I think not."
"Oh so your just gonna kidnap me, how stu-"
"Shut up!" He jumped. I gasped, holding my breath.
"Please Jack, please dont do this. I didnt mean to do anything wrong." I sobbed.
"Be quit, dont make me."
"You wouldn't!" I pushed the knife away."Dont even try to hurt me." I quickly got out of the car. I saw him get out to.
"Were you gonna go."
"Leave me alone."
"Come here." He grabbed me tightening his grip."Good thing nobodys here huh? Now listen to me. If you try to do anything, this will turn out bad! Ok?!"
"Let me go!" I yelled.
"Be quiet!'
"Help!" I yelled again. Theres got to be someone close.
"Shut up bitch!" Then it went black.


Well guys there you go. Im on my dads tablet. And it really hard to type so sorry if I dont update more often. Well nothing new.

Love ya bye♡♥♡♥♡

Bullied by Magcon guys | A Magcon fanfic [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now