Hard time

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Destiny POV

I woke up and it was morning. I was at my house and I was on the couch. I saw someone. Cameron.
"Cameron?" He was asleep I shook him.
"Cameron, Cameron, wake up." He freaked out and looked at me. He smiled.
"Are you feeling better?"
"Do you remember when Taylor hit you?"
"Yeah but nothing else."

He got up and hugged me. I hugged him back of course.
"Gosh I love you." He said. My eyes widened. He couldn't see me so I was good. But we pulled away. Great(note the sarcasm).

"I love you to?"
"Are you confused? Do remember anything?" He put his hand on my cheek.
"We kissed and I asked you out, and were together."
"I bet I was able to say yes I guess." I said. "Oh my gosh we have school tomorrow. Can I just act sick."
"No were going Taylor I promise won't bother us." I nodded.

We sat on the couch and watched TV. We watched ABC, and toy story 3 was on. I didn't mind I liked it. But Cameron kept calling me a little kid.
"I can't watch this because im 17. Wow."

I looked at him and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. He kissed me back. We began to kiss on the lips. And I heard my brother come in the living room.
"Why do I always walk into you kissing guys?"
"Don't remind me about Taylor."
"Ok, ok. I won't bother you anymore."
"Love you."
"Yeah, yeah." He said walking up the stairs.

"Do you want to sleep over?"

*Next morning*

I woke up in my bed and Cameron in his. Boxers!
"Cameron put on some clothes!" He woke up freaked out.
"Sorry I thought I would wake up first." I looked at myself and I had clothes on. Whew good.
He ran and got on his clothes.
"See you at school." He ran out of the house.

I picked out a red sweater. With some black jeans. And black vans (its fall here). I headed to the shower. And set my clothes on the toilet.

I got out of the shower drying myself of. I blowed tryed my hair. I felt lazy so I kept it natural. I put on light makeup.

I saw that it was time to go. I headed out the house. I saw Taylor drive with Aaron.
"What up bitch." Taylor said. It did hurt me. I felt like a bitch. I am one.

"Stop being a jerk dude. Just because you aren't together doesn't mean you need to be that way." Aaron said. I smiled, and he noticed. They were going the same speed as me.
"Shut up." Taylor said. "What about Cameron. Are you in love with him?" He said in a annoying voice.
"Sure you can say that. But were together and he spent a night." I sassed.
"Whatever, see you at school." He almost drove away. But Aaron asked to get out. Taylor wouldn't let him. And Aaron didn't win.

I was at school and saw Cameron with open arms for me to hug him. I gave him a big hug. I saw Taylor look at us he looked pissed and sad. Me and Cameron walked away. While Taylor kept looking.

"So why were you in your boxers."
"Well I bet your always in your panties. And bra."
"Close but with a tank top."
"Whatever, your almost naked.
"You haven't answered my question."

I heard a voice behind us.
"I should've spend a night at your house when I had you." It was Taylor. Gross. Cameron's face turned bloody red.
"Go away creep." I said.
"I got this Destiny."
"What are you gonna do when you sleep over at your house next time. Sleep naked." Taylor said.
"Go away Taylor. She doesn't need you to bother her. And I don't you need to bother my girlfriend."
"Look if I didn't have my ex-girlfriend. On me all the time, making me kiss her-"
"No Taylor, you were stroking her cheek, and holding her hand. You shouldn't be with your ex- girlfriend in the first place."

I was so mad. I walked away grabbing Cameron to my locker. I don't need this right now. I knew Taylor was following us.
"What do you want bro!"
"I want her back."
"That's it I'm done." I said. I walked to the bathroom. I looked at the mirror. Why would any of them want me?
"I'm nothing." I whispered to myself.

I then heard the door sqeak open. Oh no.


Hello I hope everyone is having a good day. I just want to point out that. Now you see me will not be going on anymore. Its just not what I wanted it to turn out and I just hate it. I don't get why people are saying that they love it so much. Cause I just hate it. Vote, comment and like.

Bye love ya

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