Chapter 11- Freaky Friday Special Part 2

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Trigger Warnings: $elf Harm

Mia's Pov
Finally some alone time but still in Salem's body everyone else spilt up to look for winter I was more interested in my left arm was in agony. I enter the office I lock the door. I didn't want anyone else to see I do respect Salem's privacy. It's frustrating how similar we are, we notice things no one else does, say something and it's dismissed because we were too harsh. She gets overlooked like her mum, poor Charlotte going through so much and no one sees it. I lean against the locked door and sign. Come kid please tell me is nothing bad. I take off Carly's hoodie and saw it within seconds I gasp and tear up. Wait no don't go soft for a kid Mia. Roger will find out and use it against you. But Oh Salem why would you? You sweet angel why would you do that to yourself you don't deserve that. I look at those deep wounds and walk to Marjorie's desk going to the bottom drawer grabbing the first aid kit cleaning the wounds. I sigh in the pain but relieved because at least they shouldn't get infected. I'm curious about Salem Halloween outfit plus I needed a distraction from the stinging. I grab her phone using her face to unlock her phone. I found the photo after scrolling through many pictures of the sky and flowers. She likes Black Roses like her mum I'm not surprised no one ever things of black roses. Awww she looks her mum a bouquet of black roses on mother day's. Salem is really adorable and so caring. Okay but damn. Wow Carly is lucky. Marjorie knocks on the door. Who is that? I unlock the door and look at Marjorie. "Yes?" Marjorie walks to Autumn desk and sits down. "Autumn?" I asked. Marjorie gives me death stare yeah that's definitely Autumn. "Are you hiding because your Marjorie?" I smirk looking at Autumn. "I'm not going on a date with my brother so leave so I can lock the office Mia" I look stunned "How did you know it was me straight away?" Autumn sighs clearly done with me. "Salem sounds sweeter and she never has her hoodie off." Marjorie looks at Salem's arm "Hmm put your arm out." I look dumbfounded what no clearly Autumn going to hit a kid for self harming. "Mia whatever you think I'm up to I'm not just put her arm out" I put my left arm out groaning. "It's going to hurt but trust me" I look at Marjorie. "You aren't excautly in a body I would trust Aut and don't you know hate me?" Marjorie nods "Excautly I hate you not Salem and we both know Salem won't let us do this when we switch back so it's best to take advantage of this odd switch right?" I nod. I was curious what Autumn was going to do. She goes through the tin grabbing the bandage roll. "Ready?" Autumn asks I reluctantly nod my head. Autumn carefully begin to grab the roll around Salem's arm I groan at it touches the cuts she does a couple more loops and fold it within itself. "There now do you want a lollipop?" Autumn says smiling I shot a death stare. "Don't patronise me" She just laughs. "Your death stares are just adorable in Salem because she a Snowflake she would never." Why am I not surprised Autumn is the reason Salem is called a Snowflake. Interesting so I'm not the only one that has a soft spot for Salem. I hear footsteps approaching I put Carly's hoodie back on Salem. "This stays between us for her sake?" I asked. Marjorie nods "Of course I'm not monster but Charlotte will need to be informed about this soon." I nod Autumn isn't wrong. "I'll tell her" Marjorie looked surprised. "You? Since when did you and her talk?" I roll my eyes. "Just shut up the others are here."  Winter enters first "How on earth are we going to reverse this?" Marjorie looks away from Winter "Ugh hearing Marjorie in Winter is awful. "I might have an idea" Carly. I look at Carly smiling I have missed Charlotte. "I hit my head on my desk grab my mirror." Winter looked at the floor. "That mirror?" Carly hits her head picking up the mirror. "Oww.." I was back at reception I smile I was back in my body finally. Time to see Charlotte to check on her then speak to Salem poor sweet angel.

The Picture Of Salem- Sexy Witch

The Picture Of Salem- Sexy Witch

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