Chapter 13- Mia and Salem Office Day

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Salem's Pov
I was at Reece's Nursery today. Carly would come over from Marjorie's Nursery but they would be short staffed so I was the floater. Reece is making me doing office work. Did the mean redhead tell him to? I was sorting out files by students names going alphabetical. I wonder why I can't be in the rooms with the kids today that's going to bug me. Reece had left the office for over an hour and I was done sorting the pile he asked to be sorted. So I decided to take off my hoodie as I admit it was a really hot day and I was alone. I glance at my previous scars and sigh of course I decided to wear a short sleeves under my hoodie such a genius. My cuts that Mia and Autumn bandaged up has basically healed they are still visible if you look closely.

Reece's Pov
Aut surprisingly messaged me to put Salem in the office. I did want to poke the bear as she didn't give me a reason for why and Salem is fantastic with the kids there's clearly a hidden reason. Salem seemed happy to organising the files glancing through some of the files out of curiosity which was sweet of her it's obvious Salem cares for these kids. But that was before I left to go see Marjorie I told Mia to watch over her. She didn't seems so happy. "You want me to babysit? Isn't that your job?" I left Mia in her office with a smart comment in my opinion. "We both know you care for Salem I have seen you in the hallways watching her doing handovers and death staring annoying parents."

Mia's Pov
I walk to Reece's office and open the door, I see Salem putting the files back. Did she already organise them? "Salem are you already done?" She simply nodded. "Alphabetical organisation like Reece asked, now can I go in the rooms?" I was stood against the door with my arms crossed. "Can you do me a favour then I'll let you in the rooms?" Salem nods she too kind for her own heart but this saves me having to manipulate Jodie into to doing it but I still need to figure out how to figure out how to fire Jodie. I signal for Salem to follow me she gets up grabbing her hoodie and holds it over her arms as she follows me. That's clever of her as she knows gossipy parents are about. "Salem?" Speak of the devil Sarah. "What's up Sarah?" Salem stops in her tracks, why did she stop? I look to see Sarah actually stopped Salem by bringing her hoodie in her arms stopping her. "It's about the Daily Diaries when do they normally get updated?" Salem shrugged. "I can't give you a specific time whenever the person in ratio has a moment to update the system. But I assure you that your child will have eaten and doing activities today but just be patient as we are short staffed" I smile at Salem response she sounded like Charlotte. Sarah signed "Well that's not good enough now is it? Shouldn't there be a specific time so you don't have parents constantly asking and if you are so short staffed why aren't you both in the rooms?" Salem went to answer I place my hand on her shoulder. My turn now. "It doesn't concern you but you think you're entitled so if you must know there's alot of background business going on to run a nursery. If you want your child sitting in the dark without any food please tell us as that will help us out so much it means she can ingore the bills." Sarah looks annoyed. "Fine you can go deal with the bills while I ask Salem more questions" Salem groans, even she is getting annoyed now I'm interested. "Look Sarah write me a long ass email if you have to with all your questions but at this time I'm busy and I will answer them all even though you should of asked Reece a long time ago before you say you don't have my email one second" Salem looks at me for a paper and pen, I walk into my office as we were literally at the door before Sarah had to get involved. I hand a poster note and pen she wrote her email and handed it to Sarah and enter the office and closing the door behind her and sighing. She looked upset bless her. Why was she upset I was proud of her she handle that situation pretty well?
Salem sinks onto the floor against the door holding in her tears. I kneel in front of her. "What's wrong?" Salem nuzzles into me. "Salem? Come on Honey" Salem was happily hugging me I felt a bit awkward it's been a while since someone actually wanted to hug me I wasn't sure what to do, I rub her back. "Shhh it's okay, do you want me to call Charlotte?" She shakes her head resting it on my shoulder crying. "I don't want to be like him." I was surprised she was opening up to me. "Like who honey?" Salem sighs and tells me. "Like my dad she was being so annoying and making me so annoyed I wanted to snap at her" I rub her back "Shhh you aren't like him no way near, you are like a kitten without claws and all you have to defend yourself are your meows, you uses your words to defend yourself. I use my body language and Autumn does the same but we both follow through with our empty threats so any trouble and you don't want to call Charlotte, tell me or Autumn and they will be very brave starting on you again." Salem smiles and nuzzles back into me. "Five more minutes then I'll deal with the pile of stuff on your desk" I laugh. "Alright Salem, you are good at maths aren't you? She nods. "Good because that's my taxes and I need them sorted by the end of week and I'll take you for a day out wherever you want."

So sorry for the long wait I have been dealing with work and college and my mental health, I'm getting there but here I hope you enjoy this chapter in my opinion it's cute and I see Mia doing this if you don't let me what you think she would do instead. 💜

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