bonus 4: surprise?

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Reese: hey baby, can you pick up some seedless watermelon on your way?

I smile, putting a watermelon in my cart before continuing my way through the grocery store. Unsurprisingly, Reese read my mind and knew I'd be here- or he checked my location.

The market is empty today, and I thank everything because I am not in the mood to interact with people or be behind slow walkers. 

As I shop I glance at my ring, always thinking about Reese and our wedding four months ago. It feels like yesterday we got married, and everyday I am so grateful to be his wife. 

When I go to check out, I see a card and grab it, adding to the pile of groceries. Once I'm done checking out I get into my car and pull the card out from the bag, fishing for a pen as well somewhere in my car. 

I finally find one in the glove compartment and quickly write out a message. When that's done I go to grab a coffee and finally make my way home. 

Reese is in the backyard in the pool of course, so I make my way inside with a couple of things. 

I turn around to see Reese with a towel low on his hips, his abs showing off very nicely. I'm basically drooling as I stare at my husband, and he can tell by the way he's smirking.

"Hi baby, thanks for the watermelon." he gives me a kiss before grabbing a knife and a cutting board from the kitchen. 

"Of course, I picked out an amazing one," I proudly announce and he rolls his eyes at me, a smile on his face.

"I'm sure it is, baby." He responds, setting his things up on the counter before grabbing the watermelon and cutting into it, picking up a huge piece to bite.

"Baby, this has seeds," he shows me with a disgusted look on his face, he hates seeds. 

I laugh, walking over and picking the card off the counter. I give him a kiss before handing him the card.

He looks down at me, confused before I gesture for him to open it. 

Reese opens the card, taking a couple of seconds to read. He pauses, like he's short circuited, before his eyes meet mine again- this time filled with tears.

The room is wracked with silence. I can hear the ac blowing quietly but I'm more focused on the completely mute man in front of me. 

My heart has stopped at this point, waiting for anything- he needs to say something before I begin to freak out. 

He looks down and up into my eyes again before his voice comes out softly, "baby- y-you're sure?" 

I nod with a watery smile on my face. The emotions begin to rise up as I watch his body language, making sure he's okay with it. 

Please be okay with it.

"O-oh my God." Is all he can respond with, and I let out a laugh.

"W-we're having a baby?" He comes over and places his hand on my little bump. It's been growing slowly and I'm sure it just looked like a gained a couple of pounds.

Reese would never mention that to me, so I found the perfect time to announce it. The card of course had to be a bit funny so I wrote; 

I know you like seedless, but you have a seed in me so I thought I'd return the favor. We're pregnant!

"You're going to be a daddy," I answer him and he gives me a long and sweet kiss before resting his head on mine.

Reese quickly shoots up, scaring me slightly.

"How far along are you? Are you okay? Do we need a doctor?" He begins to ask all these questions, holding my waist gently as he looks me up and down. 

"Baby, I'm fine." I laugh, reaching up to kiss him. He immediately responds, leaning in and placing his hand on my belly where our baby is.

Our baby!!!

"We're pregnant. Like, actually.. pregnant!" I gush, breaking away from him and spinning around in joy. Reese grabs my hand and spins me before giving me a kiss. 

"So, no seedless watermelon then?" He asks with a smirk and I push him off of me, giggling. 

"Reese!" I roll my eyes at him with a smile on my face. I'm so incredibly happy. I'm with my person having a baby

"Sorry," he smiles, "everyone's going to be pissed they're not witnessing this moment." He reminds me of our friends, and their need to be in everyone's personal life.

"They'll be fine. They'll complain but oh well." 

"I love you baby." Reese kisses me. 

"I love you, Reese." I deepen our kiss and I feel like I'm falling in love for the first time again. 


Did you guys enjoy? The note was hilarious, I know.

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