What Is A Phone?

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Ello! I forgot to add in my previous chapters but this story was mainly inspired by @AriaGuardian and many other chatfics, but mainly Aria's.

Let us begin :)

[Traumatized Chaos] Chat

Okay, the timer has worn off, messaging is now available.

Also, if Michael, Rose, and Terrence feel up for it they can explain few questions at a time okay?


Grian changed Jimmy→ Timmy

Grian removed name changing ability for Timmy


Okay, I'm fine with answering Questions just, let me turn on DNB for Rose and Rence real quick






Dre, seeing as you know and I've got to rush to Terry's room to do his phone, would you mind explaining?

....I think I know why as well, Day, he asked you to explain, and we don't need our communicators going insane from confusion.

What is a phone?


Actually that makes sense phones only appear in the Minecraft universe of mods are on.

Anyway, Michael is the only one awake in his household at the moment other than maybe his youngest brother and his Nightmares.

Mike is awake because first, he hasn't slept in... Mike you answer that please, the second reason is because he has been working on a secret project which he works on during the night once everyone is asleep other than is insomniac little brother and the nightmares, when everyone wakes up he sends the project to a void of which he is the only person with access to.

Also Michael, how many people live with you again? Animatronics included

Rose's phone is on DNB as is Terry's, and there are 17 people living in my mansion, this includes the Emily's who I invited to move in, and myself.

Hold on, Imma give Dream and Michael co-creator because this was kinda suggested by them.

Grian gave @Michael and @Dream the Co-Creator role

Thanks Gri!

Ty G

What is a phone tho?




It sounds familiar I just can't put my finger on it

@Pearl, @Timmy, Remember the thing our mother was on all the time? That is a phone.

... Oh, also Lora, it is Lora


Ik, ik, just remember, you two won't let me say her name because she sent me to Japan

Grian deleted 1 message

I'll explain in our siblings chat

I remember asking about what a phone is, I've also seen it a few times, I just don't have a explanation, so what is a phone?

A modern phone is a piece of technology, it can access the web, games, and such, it tells the time, can have alarms set and you can chat with your friends, it is normally a rectangular device that fits in your pocket or hand, it is also called a mobile device for the reason as it can be brought anywhere.

Or Google's definition, since my phone I've had since I was 8 is still in remarkable condition, is; a device by which sound (such as speech) is converted into electrical impulses and transmitted (as by wire or radio waves) to one or more specific receivers : telephone.

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