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[Multiversal Chaos] Chat

Hey Vivid? Do you by any chance know where NPG is?

The closet.

Who is this 'NPG'?

I think I heard Mikey talking with I believe, Techno and mentioned a NPG?

Evan, I was talking with Dream about a 'NSP' thing.

And what does NSP stand for?

NPG isn't in the closet, he is awaiting your arrival at in your office thing on your private world.

Hold on what is NSP?

Who is NPG?



[Besties] Chat

Uhh what do I say?

[Purple Man]

Perhaps we could say it stands for 'Newest Stat Play'

That works, thx Mike!

⟲ī± 〨 ਨᯅਨ±ī⟳ {]◦ •≫


[Multiversal Chaos] Chat

Thank Xanathus, and X




NSP is Newest Stat Play

Why do you need to know where NPG is anyways?

I need to upgrade him

Grian who is NPG, and NPG is NPG, is not an answer!

Hmm... NPG is a Nocturn Player Guide

Wait- wat- he is?

Uhh, Grian- you good buddy?

No, he is lying purposely


Xanathus, my dear brother, do you know who this 'NPG' is?

Grian went Offline

Uhmm, my uhh- my Orange needs to be flown?

Xan, my dearest brother, that doesn't make sense

EX went Offline

... I am coming to find you

You cannot run from me you derp

Xisuma went Offline

Dadalis → Keralis

By any chance did someone curse using Xelqua?

I didn't, guessing G fell or smth?

He rocketed downward, catching himself an inch above the ground.

What does 'Xelqua' have to do with that?

... What happened to make him fall?

Uhh, I had... Transmitted to him telepathically, yeah that's what happened!




Lies =__=

And why is that?


How are we meant to believe that he knows telepathy?




· · ·

[Drista] ...
why i are we doing this- nvm







What about it?

Well you see, all of my siblings and I can use telepathy, and I have a way to prove it.


Oh- uhh, one of you three or all three of you are about to have a voice in your head =|

Xisuma is online

Is there a reason why I just watched Pearl, Mumbo, and Scar jump at the same time with shocked expressions?

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