Part 17

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This was my inner voice who spoke loud... Yes... I badly wanted to go to him... I felt like this was the chance... that my god.. my luck has created for me... I feared.. if I don't do something now... I will lose him forever... And I really could not afford that.

Some of you may call me.. crazy.. freak... why so much for just a friend.. But for me.. Randheer was not just a friend.. He became a part of my existence by now.. He was the truth of my life... my reason for my survival as much as my parents were... Yes... for me.. he was just after my parents and before me...

I continued.. "Sir, I would prefer Pune..".. Trisha said. "I.. Delhi..".... Akshay reminded us that.... we had go together... so we better decide.... Trisha was adamant about Delhi... I actually had to convince that I was into a "life and death" situation... And had to go to Pune at any cost... Finally she agreed but with one condition.. that I have to tell her everything... with every detail... and have to make her a part of my mission...

I checked my phone now...It was a message from Sahil... It read.. "I yet cannot find the reasons.. but the result is.. RANDHEER IS GUILT STRICKEN.. THAT TOO TO YOU...I WISH YOU COULD COME HERE TO HIM.. HE NEEDS YOU.. I will see to it that he receives your call"..

I hardly knew this girl.. Just about 10 days ... but I had no other option than to trust her and share the biggest crisis of my life... this was the first time actually.. I could not share a single word with my parents... Though I longed to....

Coming back to home.. I had another tedious job to do.. convince my parents.. To my surprise.. They readily agreed... Honestly.. I was surprised... Papa said.. " You have already sacrificed your golden opportunity for us... We were glad that you we are always your first priority... So this time.. we won't stop you... Moreover.. You will be coming back after 5 months.. It will be hard... But we will manage darling".. Mumma was a bit gloomy... but I could see she was she too agreed with papa...

Hardly I knew.. What was waiting for me there.... and that would change my forever.... On a Thursday eve.. we left for Pune..

To be conitinued..

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