Hawkins High

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It had been a week since Madeleine's return and she remained hidden until her father enrolled her back into her old school. She left it to be a surprise for everybody, that way it could be easier too since everyone would see her at once.

She made adjustments to her new sister, El, and she found herself taking a liking to her already. She was already falling back in love with this lifestyle she once had.

She prepared herself for the questions she was about to be asked by again, everyone, once she returned to school.

Hawkins was a small town so she already knew everyone would be in her business. It wouldn't come as a shock to her though, she used to be in everybody's business.

Madeleine was never rude, she just liked the gossip. Who doesn't! She never fought which is why people loved her. She was respected by all giving her the title, 'Queen of Hawkins High'.

It went along with her best friend, Steve's, title. They were very good friends, never romantic.

Well, only once. But it was Madeleine's personality. She knew how to flirt, and so she did. She also knew she looked good no matter what, she had a big ego but it never got in the way of her being rude to people.

Unlike Steve, he could be an ass like a massive one but she liked that about him, only because she could put him in his place. Steve liked how his best friend always acted like a mom to him, since his mother was never really around.

"Maddy?" El asked as she knocked on Madeleine's bedroom door whilst she got ready for her first day back.

"Good luck" El softly smiled giving her sister a hug leaving a plate of pancakes on her dresser.

"Dad on an early shift?"

El nodded in return to answer her question and walked away back into her room shutting the door.

El nodded in return to answer her question and walked away back into her room shutting the door

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Madeleine put on her black laced gloves since it was October. She wore big square earrings matching the buttons of her yellow blazer. The black gloves matching her short black skirt along with matching black heels and a beret.

It was all black really, the yellow was to make a statement. She threw her blonde hair back into a low bun which brought the attention to her green eyes almost perfectly.


Madeleine walked along the parking lot of Hawkins High, all eyes back on her.

This is what she had been waiting for. The attention she loved. People started to whisper as she walked past them.

She smiled and waved like she was a princess.

Her eyes captured her best friend talking to Nancy Wheeler. Nancy was a friend of hers, well she was friends with almost everyone, they were never close especially not after Nancy's best friend Barb went missing. Steve had told Madeleine about how Nancy had caught his eye so she wouldn't be surprised if they were dating now.

She walked up to Steve coughing to get his attention off of Nancy and onto her. Both their faces went pale and engulfed Madeleine into a group hug.

"Maddy where the hell have you been!" Steve laughed but he quickly stopped trying to hold back his hurt from his best friend leaving him.

"New York, to live with my mom like I always told you about! We got into a fight and I missed you all so I came back." she lied straight to their faces, she didn't want to bring the mood down since it was her first time showing her face to everyone in a year.

Their moment was ruined as an unfamiliar car came speeding into the lot with music banging through the open windows.

A red haired girl skated away quickly as she got out of the car flipping off the mystery man inside.

Steve sighed as he already knew who it was, Madeleine's eyes still stuck onto the car curious seeing who was about to get out. "Who's that, Steve?".

Steve just looked down and Nancy spoke for him, "That's Billy, Billy Hargrove. He joined a couple days ago.". Madeleine simply nodded still not taking her eyes off of the car.

"Hey Maddy, we're gonna go but so great to have you back!" Nancy squealed with Steve agreeing, he didn't speak however. They walked into the school, Madeleine sat on the hood of Steve's car as the boy finally got out of the Camaro.

And my god was he a sight. He stepped out instantly staring back at Madeleine. She smirked as he smiled walking past girls. She heard the girls talk about his ass which made her laugh.

He walked by Madeleine as their eyes never left each others and into the school. She shook her head slightly laughing whilst finally walking into the school as the bell rang.


Last period was over, it was gym, and Billy walked into the showers walking over to Steve.

"Harrington, who was that girl." Billy asked him with a smirk.

Steve sighed continuing to wash his hair, "Who, Nancy? Yeah she's my girlfriend before you start.".

Billy shook his head whilst laughing, "No, new face. Who is she?".

Steve stopped what he was doing to look at Billy, "You haven't heard? Madeleine Hopper. She came back from New York.", he tried to keep the conversation short by acting as if he didn't know a lot about his friend so Billy would leave him alone.

In worked in his favour as Billy nodded whilst walking away turning off Steve's shower as he did so.

And as for Madeleine, just as she expected, her cheer friends would non stop ask questions in gym. She used to be cheer captain and quickly gained back that title with her first step walking back to them.

The cheer team were basically her closest friends, though she never had a girl best friend. Only friends she saw everywhere, a guy best friend, and the people she sat with at lunch also who she cheered with for Hawkins basketball team.

But, it was a good day to say the least.

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