Chapter 12: The Meeting with the Guru

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The dawn of the day Vishwamitra was to arrive in Anga Raj was marked by an air of excitement and reverence. Surtakarma, eager to meet the great sage, woke up early, ready to witness the arrival of the revered Vishwamitra. The grand hall where the sage was to be welcomed was adorned with splendid decorations, and the atmosphere buzzed with anticipation.

As Surtakarma entered the hall, the grandeur of the setting left him awestruck. The hall was a masterpiece of elegance, with tapestries depicting divine scenes and fragrant flowers enhancing the atmosphere. The gathered crowd, including courtiers, scholars, and citizens, created a sea of faces filled with admiration and curiosity.

At the heart of the hall, seated on a raised platform, was Vishwamitra. His presence commanded respect and awe. The sage was draped in robes of celestial white, his aura radiating wisdom and divine grace. His eyes, deep and contemplative, seemed to hold the secrets of the universe.

Surtakarma found his place among the assembly, feeling a mix of awe and nervous anticipation

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Surtakarma found his place among the assembly, feeling a mix of awe and nervous anticipation. As the sage finished his discussions with the Anga Raj and other dignitaries, the moment arrived for Surtakarma to be introduced.

Before Surtakarma could approach, Karna, the Anga Raj, stepped forward, his regal presence drawing the attention of the entire assembly. Bowing respectfully before the sage, Karna spoke with a tone of reverence.

Karna: "Great sage Vishwamitra, your presence in Anga Raj is an honor beyond words. As a humble ruler, I seek your guidance and wisdom not just for myself, but for my sons as well. They are young and eager to learn, and I wish for them to be trained under your esteemed tutelage."

Vishwamitra looked at Karna, his eyes reflecting a deep understanding of the king's request. He knew that Karna, a warrior of unmatched valor, desired the best for his sons, hoping they would become great warriors and leaders in their own right.

Vishwamitra: "Your request is noble, Anga Raj. The path of learning is a sacred one, and I see that your sons possess the qualities of true warriors. I will guide them in the ways of dharma and warfare, ensuring they grow to embody the principles of righteousness and valor."

Karna's face lit up with gratitude. "Thank you, great sage. Your wisdom and instruction will be a priceless gift to my sons and the future of Anga Raj."

With Karna's request fulfilled, the king turned his attention to Surtakarma, who had been waiting patiently. Karna motioned for him to step forward, and Surtakarma approached Vishwamitra with a sense of reverence, his heart pounding in his chest.

Karna: "Great sage Vishwamitra, I present to you Surtakarma, a young warrior who has shown remarkable promise and dedication. He has traveled far, seeking knowledge and guidance."

Vishwamitra's gaze shifted to Surtakarma, his eyes piercing yet filled with a sense of deep understanding. As he observed the young warrior, there was a moment of recognition, but he kept his thoughts to himself. For in that instant, as he looked at Surtakarma, Vishwamitra saw something that took his breath away. Behind Surtakarma, almost as if in a vision, stood the mighty Lord Kartikeya, his divine aura shimmering like the sun itself.

 Behind Surtakarma, almost as if in a vision, stood the mighty Lord Kartikeya, his divine aura shimmering like the sun itself

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Vishwamitra's heart skipped a beat as he beheld the vision. The six-faced deity, the warrior god, stood tall and radiant, his presence both overwhelming and awe-inspiring. The sage, a master of countless divine secrets, could scarcely believe what he was seeing. He quickly composed himself, not wanting to reveal his shock to those around him, especially to Karna.

Vishwamitra: (addressing Surtakarma with a tone of reverence) "Welcome, young warrior. What is it that you seek from me?"

Surtakarma, feeling a mixture of nervousness and determination, bowed respectfully and spoke with heartfelt sincerity.

Surtakarma: "Great sage, I am Surtakarma, and I seek your wisdom and guidance on my journey. I have traveled far, and I am determined to become a warrior of great honor and skill. I wish to learn from you, alongside the sons of Anga Raj, to gain the knowledge and strength needed to fulfill my destiny."

Vishwamitra studied Surtakarma closely, sensing the extraordinary potential within him. The vision of Kartikeya still lingered in his mind, and he knew that this young man before him was no ordinary warrior. The sage's eyes softened, and a slight smile appeared on his lips.

Vishwamitra: (with a knowing tone) "Your path is one of significance, young Surtakarma. Though you may not yet fully understand the depths of your journey, I can see that you are destined for greatness. The fire of determination burns brightly within you, and I sense a divine purpose in your quest."

Karna, standing beside Surtakarma, was pleased to hear the young warrior's words. He looked at Vishwamitra, hoping the sage would accept Surtakarma's request.

Vishwamitra: (continuing) "In time, you will come to understand the full extent of your journey. For now, focus on honing your skills, nurturing your spirit, and walking the path of righteousness. Training alongside Anga Raj's sons will be a path that strengthens you both in skill and character. The answers you seek will come when the time is right."

Surtakarma nodded, feeling a deep sense of affirmation and purpose. He was aware that there was more to his journey than he had yet discovered, but he chose to remain patient and trust in the wisdom of the sage.

Surtakarma: "Thank you, Sage Vishwamitra. I will continue on my path with dedication and humility."

Vishwamitra: (smiling) "You are wise beyond your years, Surtakarma. May the divine forces guide you."

As the assembly dispersed, Vishwamitra's mind raced with the implications of what he had seen. The vision of Kartikeya behind Surtakarma was no mere illusion—it was a sign, a revelation of the young warrior's true nature. But this knowledge was not for the world to know, not yet. Vishwamitra decided to keep this truth to himself, understanding that the time for Surtakarma's true identity to be revealed was still far off.

As Surtakarma left the hall, he felt a profound sense of connection to his destiny. The meeting with Vishwamitra had provided him with the guidance he needed while also affirming that there was more to his journey than he could yet comprehend.

With a heart full of determination, Surtakarma was ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead. Little did he know that the truth of his divine origins was already known to the great sage, and that his journey would continue to unfold in ways that even he could not yet foresee.

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