Chapter 15: Announcing the Adoption

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The palace was abuzz with activity as preparations were made for an important announcement. Karna gathered his family in the grand hall, a space filled with anticipation. The air was thick with a mixture of excitement and apprehension as servants and courtiers went about their tasks, ensuring everything was perfect for the significant occasion.

As his family assembled, Karna stood before them, his demeanor calm yet resolute. He looked to his wife, Vrushali, and his sons, Vrishasena and Vrishaketu, their expressions reflecting curiosity and concern.

Karna: "My dear family, I have made a decision that I believe will bring us all closer together. Surtakarma, who has proven himself with great courage and dedication, will be adopted as my son from this day forward. From now on, he will be known as Kartikraj."

The room fell silent, each member absorbing the gravity of Karna's words. The grandeur of the hall, with its intricate tapestries and golden chandeliers, seemed to heighten the significance of the moment. Vrushali's eyes softened with empathy, while Vrishasena and Vrishaketu exchanged glances of surprise and curiosity.

Vrushali: (approaching Karna) "If this is what you believe is right, then I stand with you. Kartikraj has shown great potential, and welcoming him into our family will be a meaningful gesture."

Karna took Vrushali's hand, feeling a surge of gratitude for her support. Her unwavering belief in his decision was a source of strength, and he felt reassured by her backing.

Vrishasena: "We will welcome him as our brother."

Vrishaketu: "This will be a new chapter for all of us. I'm sure we'll find ways to make him feel at home."

The announcement was not only a private matter but also a significant event for the kingdom. A grand Sabha was convened, and the palace grounds were filled with the buzz of excited courtiers and curious onlookers. The Sabha hall, with its high ceilings and lavish decorations, was packed with people eager to hear the king's proclamation.

Karna, dressed in his royal attire, stood before the assembly with Kartikraj by his side. The air was charged with anticipation as Karna addressed the crowd.

Karna: "From this day forth, Surtakarma will be adopted as my son and shall henceforth be known as Kartikraj. He has shown remarkable strength and courage, and he deserves to be recognized as a member of our family."

The words echoed through the hall, and the crowd responded with murmurs of approval and curiosity. Kartikraj, clad in a simple yet elegant robe to symbolize his new status, felt a mix of disbelief and profound emotion. The grand hall, once a place of unfamiliarity, now felt like a symbol of his new beginning. His heart raced with anticipation as he looked towards Karna, who extended a hand towards him.

Kartikraj: (nervously) "I'm so grateful. Thank you for this... for everything. I never thought I'd find a place where I truly belong."

Karna embraced Kartikraj tightly, a gesture that spoke volumes more than words ever could. The assembled courtiers and the people of Anga responded warmly, their applause and cheers resonating through the hall. The affection and respect they showed to Kartikraj confirmed what he had hoped for: that he was now part of something greater, a family and a community that valued him.

As the Sabha drew to a close, a traditional ritual was performed to mark Kartikraj's adoption. A sacred fire was lit, and both Karna and Kartikraj made offerings to the flames. The ritual, conducted by the royal priest, was steeped in significance, symbolizing the new bond between them. The ceremony was attended by the royal family, high-ranking dignitaries, and representatives from various parts of the kingdom, adding a sense of solemnity and joy to the occasion.

 The ceremony was attended by the royal family, high-ranking dignitaries, and representatives from various parts of the kingdom, adding a sense of solemnity and joy to the occasion

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In the quiet moments following the announcement, Kartikraj approached Karna with a thoughtful expression.

Kartikraj: "My lord, I am honored and deeply grateful for this new beginning. But I must ask—how do you feel about the prophecy that surrounds my birth? And considering I am younger than Vrishasena and Vrishaketu, how will this affect our relationship?"

Karna looked at Kartikraj with a reassuring smile, his eyes reflecting a deep understanding. The flickering light of the ceremonial fire cast a warm glow over his face.

Karna: "The prophecy and its implications have always been a part of our journey. It is a shadow that we must acknowledge, but it does not define us. What matters most now is the bond we are forming and the strength we bring to each other. Your age relative to my sons is of no concern; what matters is the value you add to our family. Your courage and dedication have already proven that you are a vital part of our lives."

Vrushali: (placing a comforting hand on Kartikraj's shoulder) "You have found a place where you are cherished. This family is here to support you, and I hope you find happiness and fulfillment in your new role."

Vrishasena: (smiling warmly) "Welcome to our family. We look forward to sharing our lives with you."

Vrishaketu: (with a sincere expression) "We are excited to have you with us. Let's embark on this new journey together."

Kartikraj's heart swelled with emotion as he absorbed their words. The warmth and acceptance he felt from his new family were overwhelming, and he knew that the road ahead would be filled with both challenges and opportunities. The palace, once a place of isolation and uncertainty, now seemed like a sanctuary where he could build a future and contribute to the prosperity of Anga.

As he looked around at the faces of his new family and the supportive crowd, Kartikraj felt a renewed sense of hope and belonging. The grand hall, filled with warmth and acceptance, had transformed into a symbol of his new life. Kartikraj's eyes gleamed with tears of joy and relief, a testament to the depth of his gratitude and the promise of a new beginning.

 Kartikraj's eyes gleamed with tears of joy and relief, a testament to the depth of his gratitude and the promise of a new beginning

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As Kartikraj now and Prince of Anga raj.

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