Chapter 5: Exile and Resolve: The Vow of Surtakarma

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After two days

The Sabha, where the Pandavas and family are gathered. Krishna presents his findings about the true culprit behind the theft.

Krishna: (addressing the assembly with a stern tone) "We have uncovered the truth behind the theft of the Syamantaka Mani. It was not Surtakarma, but rather an advisor who conspired with Jayatsena. This individual manipulated the situation to frame Surtakarma."

The Pandavas and family members look shocked and distressed.

Yudhishthira: (stunned) "How could we have been so blind? We must rectify this immediately."

Arjuna: (disheartened) "Who is this traitor?"

Krishna: (revealing the advisor) "This man was behind the theft. He orchestrated the entire operation and used his insider knowledge to execute it."

The advisor is brought before the assembly, his face filled with guilt and fear.

Advisor: (defeated) "I admit it. I was paid by Jayatsena to steal the Syamantaka Mani and frame Surtakarma. I did it out of greed and deceit."

Bhima: (furiously) "You have caused us great harm. What punishment do you deserve for this treachery?"

Krishna: (calmly) "The advisor will face justice. However, our focus now should be on making amends to Surtakarma."

The Sabha, where the Pandavas are gathered in the aftermath of the truth about the theft. The atmosphere is charged with tension as the family confronts the fallout.

Yudhishthira: (sorrowfully) "We have found the real culprit, and we must make amends to Surtakarma. We owe him that much."

Arjuna: (coldly) "We were hasty in our actions, but Surtakarma's presence still represents a threat to our trust. He must understand that he needs to earn back our confidence."

Surtakarma, brooding quietly, stands apart from the family.

Surtakarma: (resolutely) "I have endured enough. I wish to leave Indraprastha and go into exile. I cannot remain here where trust is so easily shattered."

Subhadra: (tearfully) "Surtakarma, please don't say that. We want to make things right. Stay with us, and we will work to rebuild what's been broken."

Draupadi: (supporting Arjuna, with a hint of anger) "Surtakarma, we have all made mistakes, but leaving will not solve anything. You need to understand the severity of the situation."

Surtakarma: (angrily) "Understand the severity? I have been falsely accused, wrongfully exiled, and betrayed by those I trusted most. My departure is my only recourse!"

Arjuna, his face contorted with rage, steps forward. The tension in the room escalates.

Arjuna: (shouting) "How dare you speak to me like that! You are ungrateful and disrespectful. You have caused enough trouble!"

In a fit of rage, Arjuna raises his hand and slaps Surtakarma across the face. The force of the slap stuns everyone in the room.

Surtakarma: (staggering, holding his cheek) "You strike me now? Is this how you show your justice? I am not part of a family that treats me like this!"

Abhimanyu steps forward, his face flushed with anger.

Abhimanyu: (furiously) "How dare you speak to Father and Mother like that! You have no right to disrespect them, especially after everything they have done for you!"

Surtakarma: (glaring at Abhimanyu) "And you, Abhimanyu? Are you also ready to turn against me? Have you all forgotten what it means to stand by family?"

Abhimanyu: (furiously) "You disrespect my parents and then expect sympathy? You brought this upon yourself. Your behavior is unacceptable!"

Draupadi: (supporting Arjuna and Abhimanyu, with a mix of anger and righteousness) "He needs to understand the gravity of his actions. We cannot tolerate this level of disrespect."

Surtakarma: (shouting) "You all have shown me nothing but cruelty and injustice. I am leaving Indraprastha, and I never want to return!"

Subhadra and Kunti, overwhelmed and desperate, try to intervene.

Subhadra: (crying) "Surtakarma, please, this is not how we should end things. We want to make amends. Don't leave us like this."

Kunti: (pleading) "Think about what you are doing. We need to find a way to resolve this without breaking apart our family."

Abhimanyu: (joining the conflict) "Surtakarma, your disrespect towards our family and our honor is unacceptable. If you cannot see the error of your ways, then perhaps you should leave."

Surtakarma, feeling utterly isolated and rejected, makes his decision.

Surtakarma: (bitterly) "I will leave Indraprastha. I cannot stay in a place where I am treated with such disdain and contempt."

With that, Surtakarma turns to face the assembly. His face is a mask of despair and resolve.

Surtakarma: (addressing everyone) "I vow before all of you that I will become a great warrior and a ruler of a kingdom greater than Indraprastha. I will find the Syamantaka Mani and return to defeat those who have wronged me and prove my worth. I will show you all that I am not to be underestimated!" The room is silent, the gravity of Surtakarma's vow sinking in. He turns to leave, but stops to receive blessings from Kunti and Subhadra.

Kunti: (approaching Surtakarma with tears in her eyes) "Surtakarma, my son, I am deeply saddened by how things have turned out. I want you to know that despite everything, you have my blessing. May you find the strength and courage you seek on your journey."

Subhadra: (joining Kunti, her voice choked with emotion) "Surtakarma, please, take my blessing as well. I know this path will be difficult, but I hope you will find success and peace. We are still your family, and I wish for you to be safe and strong."

Surtakarma looks at Kunti and Subhadra, his resolve momentarily softened by their heartfelt blessings.

Surtakarma: (nodding) "Thank you, Mother . Your blessings mean a lot to me. I will honor them by striving to become a great warrior and a ruler."

With a final, determined look at the assembly, Surtakarma walks out of Indraprastha, leaving behind a broken family and a turbulent future.

On they way he saw Lord Krishna is standing there.

SURTAKARMA : Hari What I should do now , Where I should go now.

KRISHNA : Dear Don't worry You just do your karma.


Krishna smiles at the boy who goes into the forest. 

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