Chapter 8.

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A/N: This chapter mentions stuff about Les Mis and like some songs that are included in my Les Mis fan fic (the ink and insurrection one) so yh go read that if you like Enjolras ❤️❤️

"Morning!" Ari called as Aaron stepped out of the hotel elevator. He walked up and gave the girl a hug before they headed out of the hotel, "So, I spoke with Sam again last night and she really wants to meet up today, so I said we would meet her in Camden."

"Okay, that sounds fun." Aaron smiled as he walled beside her, "Are we walking there?"

"No, I'm going to take you on your first tube ride." Ari smiled, "So, it's basically just our version of the New York subway."

Aaron followed the girl as she took him underground and directed him through the hoards of people. The process was quick, and they managed to find two seats together on the carriage they got on.

"So, do you have a boyfriend?" Aaron seemed nervous when he asked this so Ari offered a kind smile and a soft chuckle.

"No, I had a boyfriend but that didn't end well." Ari answered him, "How about you?"

Aaron smiled, "No. I haven't dated anyone since you."

Ari smiled, not knowing how to answer, so she laid her head on Aaron's shoulder for a minute, to show she appreciated what he had said.

She missed him, she really did, and maybe this was a sign. Maybe, it's not the end of their story.

When they go to Camden, Ari and Aaron exited the tube station, seeing Sam waiting outside for them.

Ari ran towards her with a smile and open arms, "Sammy!" She wrapped her arms around the girl and they laughed, hugging each other.

"Ah, I haven't seen you in ages!" Samantha smiled, pulling away from Ari and turning to Aaron, "Hi, I'm Samantha!"

Aaron gave Sam a quick hug, "I'm Aaron, nice to meet you."

The three of them walked side by side through Camden as they stopped by a few market stalls. Aaron was having a great time getting to know the place and Ari was happy he was back with her. She didn't want to get her hopes up but she was praying for a second chance with him.

Spending the day with Sam was also amazing, Ari loved the girl and it just made her even more excited to work with her.

"So, what song are you most excited to sing?" Samantha asked as they sat down in a small café that the three had found.

Ari sat opposite Sam and beside Aaron as she answered, "Uh, I'm definitely excited about 'Watch What Happens' but 'Something to believe in' will also be pretty fun, I think." Ari explained, "Although, Tom was telling me that they want to write some new songs for the sisters, seeing as they're adding those scenes at my house, so I'm so excited about that."

"Oh my god, what? That's so exciting!" Samantha's voice was filled with excitement, but they also made sure to keep their voices down so no one around them could hear, "I bet you're excited about Jamie, though."

"I'm so excited!" Ari whispered, "I mean, Sweeney Todd is one of my favourite musicals so the amount of times I've watched that movie is insane. I saw him for a chemistry read and I was freaking out so much." Ari laughed.

"Aaron, who are you excited to work with?" Sam asked him, noticing Aaron had been quiet, but she smirked when she saw he was staring at Ari.

Aaron turned to her, "Uh, well, who's not excited about Hugh Jackman?" The three of them laughed and agreed with him.

"Ugh, I'm so excited, I love him so much." Ariana laughed and Sam agreed, "I saw him when I was 10 in Oklahoma when it came to the West End, and I was so in love with him. I have a photo of me and him at stage door and I'm gonna show it when I see him."

Aaron and Sam laughed at the girl's excitement. They continued joking around until it was time for Sam to leave.

Ariana and Aaron decided they would get a cab instead of the tube on the journey back.

They agreed on going back to Ari's for a bit because she wanted to ask Aaron's opinion on a new song she had written about her relationship with Elliot.

When they arrived back, Aaron admired the small apartment, Ari led him towards her living room which also had a piano and guitar situated in the corner.

"Wow," Aaron smiled, looking at all the framed photos and trinkets that Ari had lying around, "it's so cosy in here."

Ari laughed and grabbed her guitar, "Are you ready to hear it?"

Aaron nodded and sat next to her on the couch.

(If you wanna listen)

"By all accounts, she almost drowned
When she was six in frigid water
And I can confirm she made
A curious child, ever reviled
By everyone except her own father
With a quite bewitching face
Splendidly selfish, charmingly helpless
Excellent fun 'til you get to know her
Then she runs like it's a race
Behind her back, her best mates laughed
And they nicknamed her the bolter

Started with a kiss
"Oh we must stop meeting like this"
But it always ends up with a Town Car speeding
Out the drive one evening
Ended with the slam of a door
Then he'll call her a whore
Wish he wouldn't be sore
But as she was leaving
It felt like breathing

All her fucking lives
Flashed before her eyes
It feels like the time
She crashed through the ice
Then came out alive

He was a cad, wanted her bad
Just like any good trophy hunter
And she likes the way it tastes
Taming a bear, making him care
Watching him jump then pulling him under
And at first blush, this is fate
When it's all roses, portrait poses
Central Park Lake in tiny rowboats
What a charming Saturday
That's when she sees the littlest leaks
Down in the floorboards
And she just knows
She must bolt

Started with a kiss
"Oh we must stop meeting like this"
But it always ends up with a Town Car speeding
Out the drive one evening
Ended with the slam of a door
Then he'll call her a whore
Wish he wouldn't be sore
But as she was leaving
It felt like breathing

All her fucking lives
Flashed before her eyes
It feels like the time
She crashed through the ice
Then came out alive

She's been many places with
Men of many faces
First, they're off to races
And she's laughing drawing aces
But, none of it is changing
That the chariot is waiting
Hearts are hers for the breaking
There's escape in escaping

Started with a kiss
"Oh we must stop meeting like this"
But it always ends up with a Town Car speeding
Out the drive one evening
Ended with the slam of a door
But she's got the best stories
You can be sure
That as she was leaving
It felt like freedom

All her fucking lives
Flashed before her eyes
(And she realised)
It feels like the time
She crashed through the ice
Then came out alive"

When she finished with a final strum of a guitar, she looked up to meet Aaron's eyes. He looked at her with a mix of pride and compassion.

"Ari, that was amazing." He smiled, brushing a strand of her hair out her face, "I'm sorry you're ex was so shit, but, god, that was incredible."

Ari chuckled, "Thank you, Aaron."

"No, thank you for showing me that." Aaron smiled, "I've gotta head back now, so I can rest up before tomorrow."

Ari gasped slightly, "Right, I forgot our first rehearsal is tomorrow. Do you want me to drive you back?"

"If you don't mind." Aaron nodded and the pair of them hopped in Ari's car and drove to the hotel.

When they arrived, Aaron turned in his seat to face Ari, "Thanks for dropping me."

"No problem, see you tomorrow." She smiled.

"See you tomorrow." And with that, Aaron exited the vehicle and walked into his hotel.

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