Building a Solution

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An Impromptu Rescue – Chapter 22 – Building a Solution

By the time Regina feels as though she has no more tears to shed, a steely resolution falls over the former evil queen. Conjuring up her silk lilac handkerchief, Regina swiftly wipes away the remnants of her tears before returning the handkerchief to its usual place inside her vanity with a deft flick of her wrist.

Her gaze then falls to the letter sitting on the edge of the desk. Regina's heart clenches painfully as her written words replay themselves in the forefront of her mind. Closing her eyes, the former evil queen tries to convince herself that pushing Robin and his men away is the only way to ensure their safety.

But if it's right, then why does it feel so wrong? her heart whispers. Swallowing against the lump that's formed within her throat, Regina forces down the churning wave of emotions that threatens to surface once more.

With a shaky breath, the brunette opens her sorrowful eyes and stands, taking the blasted scrap of parchment with her. Summoning the remnants of her steely resolve, Regina strides over to one of the library's many windows. She quickly rolls up the parchment within her hands before tying it with a simple ribbon that she's magically conjured.

Just as she skilfully pries open a lose panel in the window and makes to call for her raven, Regina's resolve falters. Can she really do this? Can she bring herself to push away her destined soulmate for a second time?

Oh, you foolish girl, Cora's chilling voice echoes within her mind, Don't you remember anything? Love is weakness.

In response to her mother's heartless words, Regina's mind conjures a foggy image of an enraged Robin leveling his bow towards her chest. She faintly remembers a pair of bright sapphire eyes shinning with love before those very same eyes filled with such hatred and shattered her heart.

But Regina knows Robin could never hate her. Lord knows he's had ample opportunity over the past couple of weeks. Yet despite knowing what lies in her dark past, her thief still chooses to love her in a way Regina can honestly say she's never felt before.

Love isn't weakness, her heart whispers. In fact, it's quite the opposite. Yes, Regina's lonely and miserable life may have brought her power others can only dream of. But when Robin stands by her side, Regina feels as though nothing could stand in her way. Robin's smiling face suddenly flashes in her mind's eye as the brunette softly answers the voice in her head, "You're wrong, mother. Love is strength."

A relieved smile pulls at Regina's lips as a great weight lifts from her shoulders. Giving a slight nod, the former evil queen crumples the letter within her hand before letting it disappear with a poof of purple smoke. For the first time in years, Regina feels in complete control of her life.

And she'll fight anyone who tries to take that control away from her again.


Hours later, Regina finds herself gently swaying from side to side as her carriage navigates through the rocky terrain that forms the Forbidden Mountains. Though her father requested to accompany her, Regina insisted she needed to be alone for this encounter. After all, her friend isn't exactly known for welcoming her guests with open arms.

Nevertheless, Regina must admit she doesn't have many options left in finding a sufficient alternative to the Dark Curse on such short notice. So, in the hope of finding some answers, the former evil queen will swallow her pride and risk facing the dragon's wrath for disrupting her solitude.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 18 ⏰

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