Being Conscious

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Chapter 2: Being Conscious

A/N: Here's the second chapter.



Robin reaches his camp relatively quickly but it's not all that surprising considering that the unconscious woman in his arms is rather small in height and light in weight. He notices that the camp is empty of the small group of men he chose to accompany him on this heist as not all of his Merry Men were required for this task. Taking advantage of the lack of prying eyes Robin carries the woman over to his tent and lays her on the makeshift cot.

After making her as comfortable as possible an untying the rope from her wrists he then goes to find clean cloth and some alcohol to clean and dress the wound that she gained on her thigh, even though he'll need to apply a proper solution to it at a later point.

When he has the cloth and a bottle of ale in hand, Robin sits next to the woman seemingly asleep on the cot. He delicately pulls up her skirts to gain access to the injury to her thigh. Before cleaning the wound Robin properly assesses the damage, checking exactly how deep the sword had cut and how much skin had broken. Deciding that it wasn't anything to be too concerned about, he pours some of the ale onto the cloth and starts to dab the wound.

Robin tries to be as gentle as possible although he still hears the woman inhale sharply as she shifts in her unconsciousness. Once he is sure the wound is clean, he grabs some of the other cloths he gathered and wraps it around her injury, making sure to tie it comfortably but securely.

Satisfied with his work Robin leaves the still-unconscious woman to rest, and decides to gather some of the food around camp to make a suitable meal for him and his men.


After Robin was able to scrounge some bread and leftover meat and potatoes. He then starts a small fire before using the heat to roast the meat and potatoes that he had found.

All of a sudden, a loud, booming voice breaks out across camp, "What's that delicious smell, Rob?" The outlaw looks up to see the scruffy, bear-like man known as Little John saunter into camp, shortly accompanied by the other men that have clearly finished their scouting.

Robin smiles as the men make their way over to the fire and replies "Well, I believe that is for me to cook and for you to taste."

John just laughs at him, patting him on the back good naturedly and saying "I just hope the taste is worth the wait, considering the last few times you've prepared a meal for us."

The rest of the men join in laughing making Robin feel outnumbered, especially with the lack of defenders on his behalf. Sure, his cooking wasn't exactly worthy enough for royalty but he did consider himself pretty decent. "To be fair, the last few times I haven't has lots of food to work with." Robin defends himself as he turns back to the food over the fire.

"Ah, so the lack of food is the reason why the meals are so easily burnt to a crisp." a relatively young man known as Much guffaws, making the other men laugh in what Robin assumes is agreement.

Another young man known as Alan-a-Dale joins in, "I thought it was the reason as to why the food is either too bland or too bitter." This then causes the rest of the men to burst into uncontrollable laughter as Robin scowls still facing the fire and tries to concentrate on the cooking rather than on the comments being made.

Once the laughter had died down somewhat, he hears another member of his band known as Arthur speak out to the men, "If that's the case men, I suppose Robin will need to concentrate, and us standing here and teasing him about it certainly won't help."

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