Saving the Outlaws

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Chapter 10: Saving the Outlaws

A/N: I did it! I reached the deadline! I hope this chapter is worth the wait.

Let me know what you think! :)



Regina had decided to give up on sitting and waiting patiently and now resorts to pacing the length of the log she was previously sat upon. Her worry has only grown as the sun continues to lower in the sky, her only indication of how late in the day it is. What could possibly be taking them so long? she wonders for the hundredth time that afternoon.

Regina is now more than certain that something has gone wrong, after all Robin had briefed the plan to all of them and at the time it had sounded like a very simple in-and-out job.

So, what had gone wrong?

Had Lord Braxton figured out that the outlaw and his merry band of thieves were planning to rob him? Or had her black knights decided just oh so coincidentally to patrol that area of the forest at that specific time?

The brunette lets out a long and exasperated sigh as she wishes – not for the first time – that she still had her magic with this disguise. If she did, she would use it to locate wherever it is the Merry Men have managed to trap themselves. Then Regina would march in, armed with a fireball in each hand as she rescued them.

But alas, she could do nothing of the sort.

Suddenly the brunette hears what she determines to be a set of hooves thundering against the dirt and in the direction of the camp. she turns at the sound, hope flaring in her chest as she eagerly waits for the horses to come into view.

But as quickly as it came, that flicker of hope dies as only two horses and their riders make their way into camp. upon bringing his steed to a halt, Little John immediately dismounts and makes his way over to her, gripping her shoulders. "Where are the others?" he asks, his tone agitated.

Regina shakes her head as dread makes its way into the pit of her stomach, "I don't know."

"So, no one else has made it back yet?" Alan questions as he dismounts his own horse and John releases her from his grip.

"No, you're the only ones." the brunette replies struggling to keep her voice from breaking. Her gaze then flicks between the two men in front of her as she asks, "Something's gone wrong hasn't it?" Fear clenches around her throat as she doesn't fail to notice the exchanged glance between the pair.

After a painful silence, John heaves a heavy sigh, "It appears that way."

"Oh God." Regina breathes as one of her hands subconsciously covers her mouth, the thought of Robin and the other Merry Men in a life-threatening situation making her sick to her stomach. She couldn't lose her second chance at love and happiness, because that's what these men are to her – her second chance. "We need to help them!" the brunette exclaims as her eyes bore into Little John's, pleading with him.

"I agree." Alan concedes, coming to stand beside her, "Any of the others would do the same for us."

"I know." John admits, his gaze moving between herself and Alan. "But if we're going to rescue these sorry bastards," the bear-like man states, "we need to come up with an effective plan."

"And quickly." Regina adds, her mind already racing through several methods they could use. She faintly hears the others murmur in agreement as she turns away from the pair and delves deeper into her thoughts. The brunette is more than certain that the black knights have managed to capture them as the Merry Men were trying to escape through the hidden trail. Deciding that's where the other men and herself should head, the brown-eyed woman starts to formulate a plan to free Robin and his men.

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