Veiled Affection

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Chapter 13: Veiled Affection

A/N: I'm sorry I'm posting later than I said I would, but I'm afraid with all the changes that have recently happened within my life I was lacking the inspiration I needed to finish this chapter.

However, I hope those of you that are still reading this will be able to find it within your hearts to forgive me (especially since I added something which I think you all have been waiting for)

Enjoy! ;)


The pair continued to engage in conversation for the remainder of their journey, Robin's heart fluttering each time he managed to bring a smile to Wilma's lips or draw out her rich laughter that he has quickly become so fond of.

However, as soon as the woman beside him mentioned they were close to the village the blue-eyed man begrudgingly brought his gaze to the trail ahead of them, silently bracing himself for what he is about to witness.

Now they were at the edge of their destination and the brunette dismounts her mare, tying its reins to a nearby tree. The thief does the same before Wilma leads them towards the village centre and he walks closely beside her.

As they move further into the village and pass the abandoned houses and empty pastures, a knot forms in Robin's stomach at the realisation that this village was once full of life where people went about their daily activities. However, those lives had been cut abruptly short, all because one person was willing to go as far as it takes to capture the princess Snow White.

Suddenly Robin is overwhelmed with a putrid stench, causing his nose to wrinkle in disgust. The thief glances over to the woman beside him in an attempt to gage her reaction to the stench only to wonder if she's even smelt it as her face appears completely void of emotion. However, Wilma's expression only confirms what the blue-eyed man has already suspected – he's smelling the rotting corpses of the villagers.

As they continue further into the village, the outlaw remains close to the woman as the stench becomes unbearably stronger. After another minute in silence Wilma comes to a stop causing Robin to stop beside her. Ignoring the pong that continues to invade his nostrils, the blue-eyed man glances over to the brunette's face with a question on the tip of his tongue, however that question dies as soon as he takes in her clouded expression. Instead of asking a form of question, Robin o0simply brings his gaze to scan the landscape in front of them. Upon noticing the edge of what appears to be a ditch, the thief moves closer only to freeze when he sees what lays within it.

Bodies. So many bodies.

"Who could do such a thing?" Robin murmurs to himself before swallowing against the lump that has formed within his throat.

"The Evil Queen." comes Wilma's reply from beside him causing the thief to tear his eyes away from the horror in front of him. Despite the seemingly steady tone of her voice, the blue-eyed notes that her expression resembles that of guilt. However, before he has the chance to question it, the woman rapidly blinks before meeting his gaze and jerking her head back to the direction of the village, "Come on, Snow should be over this way."

Robin merely nods as they both walk in the direction she had previously indicated. The silence hands heavy between them and the thief can't help but wonder if there is something that Wilma isn't telling him.

But before he has the opportunity to dwell on it, he spots a lone figure standing outside a tent not too far ahead. "Is that her?" the thief asks, glancing over at the brunette.

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