Her Final Decision

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Chapter 15: Her Final Decision

A/N: Okay, it hasn't been 2 months but I know it's still been a while.

Hopefully this update will somewhat make up for it.



Yet again, Regina is the first to wake, her stomach rumbling in a request for food. Deciding to once again surprise the currently snoring Robin with breakfast, the brunette moves quietly from her cot so as not to wake him. Then after quickly grabbing her shawl and wrapping it around her shoulders, she sneaks out through the tent's flaps.

Upon exiting, the brown-eyed woman shivers at the slight chill within the fresh morning air which quickly draws her attention to the burnt-out fire that sits towards the centre of their makeshift camp. Noticing that they'll need some more firewood, Regina makes her way over to the horses to check what others supplies she may need to gather up that morning.

Upon reaching the fine steeds, the brunette greets each one with a gentle pat on their muzzle and soft words of affirmation. When Regina peers into the satchels beside the horses' gear, she quickly determines that they don't have enough fruit to last them through the last leg of their journey. Deciding that she'll collect an assortment of berries along with some wood for a small fire, the brunette slings a satchel over her shoulder before reaching into it and pulling out two apples to feed to the resting horses. Then petting each horse goodbye, the disguised queen goes off in search for wood and berries.

As she walks amongst the trees, Regina recalls how she would often go to the kitchens during the free time in which she could escape her mother's grasp. Whilst there, she would watch the maids as they worked and on the odd occasion Rainy would even let her cook when they were preparing for a small meal. Rainy was always very kind to Regina. They would even spend afternoons together wandering the woods around her family' estate, searching for edible herbs and mushrooms to restock the kitchen's supplies. And now because of the knowledge that Rainy passed onto her, the disguised queen knows exactly what kind of berries she should be looking out for.

Suddenly, Regina hears the murmuring of approaching voices from somewhere further ahead causing her to quickly duck behind the cover of a nearby bush.

"You know, I don't know why we're even bothering to put up these posters for the missing Queen." claims the first voice, "No matter how much gold we offer as a reward, the entire kingdom thinks of her disappearance as a blessing."

"That may be true, however Prince Henry gave us strict instructions to do so." comes the reply of the second voice.

Upon hearing the mention of what she assumes is her father, the brown-eyed woman discovers that the sources of the voices are none other than two of her black knights. Wanting to learn what happenings have occurred during her absence, the brunette shifts her position behind the bush whilst remaining as quiet as possible.

"That is true," the first knight agrees, pinning up one of the posters in his grasp, "but he's probably the only person within this entire realm that would care about the Evil Queen's whereabouts."

Regina clenches her jaw at the mention of the 'E' word but continues to remain silent.

"I can't argue with you on that one." says the second knight as he also pins up a poster on a nearby tree, "After all, the commoners seem overjoyed that they no longer have to worry about a random visit from Her majesty."

"Yes, they are." the first knight agrees with a nod. "Though I must admit that they're also growing unsettled by the fact that they don't currently have a ruler."

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