A Heart's Turmoil

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Chapter 17: A Heart's Turmoil

A/N: Here I am again with another long overdue update!

I apologise it's taken me so long, but I blame school and the ridiculous amount of assignments that seems to be neverending.
To try and make up for the amount of time it's taken for me to finish this chapter, I've tried to make this one a little longer than what I normally aim for.

So, to those of you who haven't given up on this story, I hope you will like this update :)



Robin can only watch as the woman he loves leaves his arms to mount her stead before riding out of his camp. For a moment the outlaw numbly stands there as he continues to stare out at the waterfall's entrance, his heart shattering within his chest.

I love you, Robin, more than I probably should.

Her words echo within his mind, the same words the brunette had softly admitted to him only moments before. Her beautiful, teary brown orbs that reflected her own heartbreak torment his memory.

Feeling the sudden need to get out of these God-forsaken stalls, Robin inhales a shaky breath and wanders in the direction of the camp's centre.

As he walks, an onslaught of questions are brought to the forefront of the thief's mind; What secret is she keeping from him? Did she not trust him enough to confide in him? What the hell is her name?!

...Did she even love him?

Robin shakes his head at the last thought. He may be uncertain of a lot of things at the moment, but her feelings for him are not one of them.


The sudden shout from his son brings the outlaw out of his musings. Forcing a smile onto his lips, Robin makes his way over to crouch in front of the boy though the blue-eyed man refuses to acknowledge the two Merry Men who's gazes he feels upon him.

"Is everything okay, Papa?" Roland asks with a slight tilt of his head.

Forcing a chuckle as he ruffles his son's curly locks, Robin replies, "Of course, my boy."

Roland brings up one of his own hands to grasp his father's and moves it from his head. "Then where's Wilma?" the boy asks as he looks up at his father.

Robin crouches down in front of the boy and sighs in an attempt to compose himself. But how was he supposed to say anything when the words would become stuck within the back of his throat?

So, after inhaling a shaky breath and lifting his head to level his gaze with his son's, the thief says, "She's had to go away for a little while."

Clearly confused, Roland tilts his head slightly, "But she'll come back, right Papa?"

The question breaks Robin's heart because he honestly doesn't know, but not wanting to crush his son's hope, the outlaw replies, "I hope so, my boy." Roland merely nods his head with a faint smile, one that Robin has no choice but to return. "Come on," Robin says after a moment as he offers his hand to the boy, "supper should be ready soon."

Once Roland takes the offered hand, the outlaw stands – whilst continuing to ignore Little John and Friar Tuck – and leads him over towards the other men around the fire, all in an attempt to drown out any thoughts of a particular brown-eyed woman.


Hours later, when the men had had their supper and Robin had put his son to bed, the thief had wandered to the outskirts of the camp where he found a sturdy tree to rest against. Closing his eyes, the archer lets his head fall onto the trunk's rough bark as he inhales a deep breath.

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