Inner Conflictions

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Chapter 6: Inner Conflictions

A/N: I am so sorry. I really had planned to have this up so much sooner, hence why I am posting it a little earlier.

I would love to hear what you all think of this chapter so leave a comment when you've finished!

Enjoy! (I hope it's worth the wait.)


Regina wakes the next morning feeling considerably better. She notes that her fever has gone and the ache in her thigh is almost non-existent. The brunette smiles as she comes to the realisation that she can resume her search for Snow White. But it immediately falls from her face as she knows that would mean that she would have to leave Robin and his men. And without saying goodbye.

This is why I didn't want to form any connections. Regina tells herself. The brunette lets out a frustrated sigh as she shakes her head in an attempt to clear it. She shouldn't be thinking of them, him especially. What she should be thinking about is a way to get out of this camp with some form of weapon, a means of transportation and without raising suspicion. How she'll pull this off without gaining any attention she has no idea.

I could leave in the middle of the night. Regina supposes, as that way she could move through the camp mostly unseen. But, she'll have to check if the Merry Men have their own patrol as that could complicate things.

As for finding a weapon, the brunette assumes she should be able to find one lying around or stored in a chest somewhere.

However, transportation is going to be the hard part. She could just take one of the horses, but reconsiders it as she realises that if she's leaving during the middle of the night, leading a horse silently through the camp may prove to be difficult. Leaving on foot isn't ideal either, considering how her injury would slow her down no matter how much better it currently feels.

Maybe Robin could help. Regina thinks to herself, before she's again shaking her head, deciding that would only complicate things further. Because if she did ask for help from him – not that she would – a bombardment of questions from the outlaw would more than likely follow, along with the addition of him then asking to escort her or worse; join her.

And she most certainly can't have that.

Regina stops suddenly as she just realises what she has just comprehended. Why in all the realms would I ask help from him of all people? she asks herself before dismissing the thought as she decides that she will not be asking that thief for any help what so ever.

The brunette again brings her focus back to planning her escape and how she's going to track down Snow White. That part may be tricky. she muses, as although she is able to track, she wouldn't be so sure that she could hunt down the brat without scaring her in the process. The disguised queen is also almost sure that Snow's secret whereabouts is a need to know basis, meaning she would have to find someone who is in league with the girl and convince them to tell her.

But that could take ages! she realises and Regina groans in annoyance. She really wishes she had planned this out better before she had decided to take Rumple up on his offer.

Suddenly the tent flap opens and Regina looks up to see who has entered. She gives a small smile upon seeing that it's Robin, one that he returns. "Morning already?" the brunette asks as she moves to sit up.

"I believe so," the thief replies, "otherwise the moon has very suddenly become much brighter. See, you should've taken my advice." She chuckles at his comment and he moves to sit at what – she now realises – has become his usual spot beside the foot of the cot. "You're looking better," he says, "I think it's safe to say you've slept the rest of it off."

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