Chapter 3: Siblings

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This one is going to be interesting because I don't interact with my siblings that much anymore and since this is to be a better version let's try this again. Also, I doubt my siblings would read this memoir so their names will be included like my parents and grandparents.

This is the order of how the siblings go:

Christopher aka Chris, Jason (R.I.P. He died of SIDS.), Me, Tiffany (has abandoned the family.), and Matthew aka Matt.

Chris: Being the oldest, he wasn't home much or really cared for us girls besides Matt from time to time. He didn't know much of my sexuality or preferences because of the age gap that we had. I am a lot younger than him by like 5 years. When I came out to him, he didn't care and he hasn't said anything else since.

Jason: He isn't with us sadly. So, this will be short. If he was alive, I feel that he wouldn't care since he was only a year older than me and he was my guardian angel for years before I had Kami.

Tiffany: The one that has abandoned this whole family since 2015. I will not go into detail of why. When I came out in 2018, she was fine with it when I did tell her at the local firehouse because the kids were hanging out that day and she invited me to come hang out with her for a little while. What hurt most was back in 2019 when I wore a certain shirt that read "Shout out to the girl who made me realize I was not straight" to the church that she attends. It actually offended her and blamed me for ruining her reputation with that church. My sister has always been the rudest family member. We don't speak to each other anymore and our parents are glad she is out of our lives even though I did try to salvage it but didn't do any good.

Matt: This will be a small one too because honestly, Matt has never minded whether I was bisexual or lesbian, he was just happy to have a sibling to speak with instead of being the lonely sibling because of his mental problems got in the way quite a bit. He's an excellent sibling even for being the youngest of us all.

All I can say to this is that I am glad to have my brothers as a support system and as for my sister, well, she wasn't worth being a sibling too no matter how anyone tries to figure her out. 

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