Chapter 5: Tennessee and West Virginia

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After he came back from his job with his step-dad, it became clear he wanted to be here with me. We were all set for it on his birthday. That didn't happen, I had to wait longer to see the man I hadn't seen since I was a teenager because his mom, who didn't know me worth shit assumed that Larry took me from Bryan. You read that correctly, all because me and Bryan had a past of being classmates, she assumed Larry was taking me from Bryan. Me and Bryan have never been an item even to this day, he was my old crush and lust. She has it in her to this day that is what happened which is false. Anyways, his mom kept him from me, mind you Larry was twenty-nine. He left a week later to come up here and left early that following morning to come see us. He knew I had a child, this is where we were both unsure if it was going to work. We didn't know how Melanie would react.

He arrived that afternoon, I waited patiently for him to come up the stairs while my toddler was so excited I couldn't contain her excitement. Because I sent him a text that I couldn't go downstairs to meet him due to the fear of Melanie getting hurt since we had a gate up. After many years, I saw him and fell all over again. It wasn't pictures, it wasn't phone calls, it was seeing him. My happiness couldn't be contained. Yeah, he was bigger than I imagined because last I saw him, he was a big guy but he was stock looking, I can't describe him too well, I don't write men for this reason but he was in good shape back then. Most don't know this about me but I love big fluffy guys, it makes me melt so easily and he was more than enough for me. Anyways, I reintroduced him to my family including the siblings and the only sibling who didn't agree, of course, was my sister.

That weekend was amazing. We shared our first kiss, second date at KFC/Taco Bell, made love, and bonded like no other. I don't regret making love to him that first night because he was so gentle with me and took care of me. When he had to leave that Sunday to go back to Tennessee for work, we didn't see each other again until August right after Melanie had another birthday. He stayed only three days as scheduled due to work and Melanie had a blast with him. She really liked Larry even after the first meet up, she was clung to him. When he left the second time, she cried her eyes out and begged him to come back. I had to call him, so he could reassure her that we will see him again soon.

This next journey of a three-day weekend stay changed it all. My dad decided after Melanie got upset about Larry leaving, we head down to see him and it would be a surprise. It didn't happen until September that year around Labor Day weekend. It is a trip I will never forget. This trip to Tennessee, I got to meet his mom and see Bryan after nearly ten years of not seeing one another since High School. I got payback for sure after years of him messing with him. It wasn't a smart move knocking Bryan's hat off of his head but I made it well known that he got what he deserved and as we were getting ready to leave I went to the front porch of their Mom's house and apologized to him. We hugged it out and talked a little longer before me, Melanie, and Larry went to the hotel since my parents were already there after meeting Larry and Bryan's mom.

Probably not the best way to put an end to this chapter but it is my story and well, it is what I want included. Larry never had much experience with women, I noticed it after meeting him those two past times. I was on high urge hormones that were unexplainable that weekend. It took every ounce of my desires to control myself. I was well over my head too. From Friday night to Sunday night, I rocked that man's world like no other. Let's say when he went to work that Monday, he had hickeys and couldn't walk. He got praises from his co-workers too who knew he had a sour mood. He was the happiest man on earth for at least three to four days before his body could work normal again.

Melanie on the other hand took this very hard leaving Larry behind once more. She wanted him to come to West Virginia with us. We agreed he would move to West Virginia in the Spring of that next year and this is where I will say well....(Impractical Jokers Reference)

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