Chapter 14: Learning To Be Us Again

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I dated one more woman whose name was Mackenzie also known as L0tus from January until August. With her, even though we were long distance, she was more for me than anyone besides Larry. We didn't have to talk to be there for one another. We broke up mostly because she needed to find herself and that I understood because she is younger than me and at her age she did need to find herself as it is proper in doing so. We are still friends to this day, we were friends before too, so it didn't change anything and honestly, I still flirt with her at times as she does me. It is all harmless. I miss her, I miss us but it is all good, for those that were curious.

In between me and her relationship, I got back with Larry after struggling to realize that finding women close to me was a nightmare. Relationships with multiple people were hell because I also dated a Transgender man who was female to male like my own son. Now don't get me wrong, I also had to work on getting me and Will back on our friendship after three years of not speaking because of what he did that should have made Larry beat his ass. Though it never came to that.

For those that have been following my son, his name is now Xia Xiu Mei-Hui. Yes, I realize a mouthful because one of his partners is Chinese and he is following their life. Has been since they got together. Oh yes, Xia is also Polyamorous which he has had multiple male partners but that is fine. As long as he is happy and loved that is all that matters. If you are wondering about his transition, we can't legally do anything here in West Virginia. It is banned to do any surgeries on those younger than eighteen not unless it is for medical reasons. Xia is only in a binder, male clothing (with some femme wear), and has changed his hair style more than once since the beginning of this whole process. I wanted to include this as I know a good chunk of my family and friends will see that Melanie is a deadname not unless you are in the family meaning my parents, Larry, and myself though me and Larry are still trying to get used to saying the new name it is going to take practice. For translating the name use Google Translate and Chinese Traditional it will say the full name.

We had learned to be a couple again by going out on dates again. His job became a less stressful one. I swear I have become the most clingest woman to him. Xia is the happiest of having us back together and seeing our love blossom in a better view. You may wonder what has changed us to being the loving couple we were from the beginning. It is simple, we needed more communication that we lost during his AWP years. Yes, we talked but it was rare like I said this was more of his hotel and I didn't have him, his work did. He made me feel single when he worked those years at that point, I should have stopped us but I didn't. Why? When you love someone you don't want to let them go. My jealousy is the main reason. If it weren't for me showing my true colors around him from when we saw Heather, I have no idea where we would be. It is now time to come to the ending of our years together with one more chapter to show the world that this is it. This is us.

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