1| We're gonna figure it out..

488 10 3

November, 2010

I stare at the picture of my mother and I. I tear my eyes away and turn to my bedroom door. Davina leans against the frame. A natural born powerful witch turned into a deputy of a county in California.



It's not nothing. I can see by the way she's looking at me. I know when she looks at me she sees my mother. She meant so much to her.

My mother practically adopted Davina. She saw a young witch in need and did what she does best. Help.

"Getting ready for work?"

"Noah asked if I could come in early.. he needs help with something." She says. "He also gave me money to get us both food."

"And you say he doesn't have favorites.."

Noah is my Godfather. Claudia was my mother's best friend since they were born. Gajos witches used to be powerful. They were allies of the Bardin witches. Their line ended with Claudia.

Since neither of us know who our father's are we rely on Noah. He's stepped in the role of our father figure. He jokes that Davina is his favorite child. I know he's joking because I know he loves me just as much.

"I'm not his favorite."


"I don't know when I'll be home."

I nod. Her schedule is weird but it comes with being a deputy. She comes in to kiss my head. I stay still until I hear the front door close. I look around my room.

I stress cleaned it last night. The voices wouldn't stop last night. I put my headphones on and blasted music in my ears so I couldn't hear them.

All my life I've had my powers under control. I went through grueling training to know how to use them. So many days I was trained like a soldier instead of having a normal childhood.

But there was always one thing I couldn't even control. The voices. Being who I am I am plagued with the powers that were once the great Alexandria Bardin's.

The first witch to ever walk the planet, and the creater of the Darkhold. She prophesied me in the pages of that book. The Crimson Witch.

Most of the supernatural creatures that roam this planet are because of her. Including Banshees. She based the Banshees powers off of her own. A harbinger of death in theory.

But me? I'm a harbinger of chaos. Chaos Magic lives inside me in secret. I have yet to actually unleash it. And the day I do, is the day I become the most powerful being on the planet and in the universe.

I turn to my window. I hear someone grunt before their hand appears on the windowsill. I smile when I see Bonnie's head appear. She jumps into my room, dusting off her shirt.

"Davina texted me."

"I figured because you're supposed to be at work."

"My dad will get over it." She sits on the edge of my bed. "What's wrong? Don't make me get inside your head."

"As if you could."

She sticks her tongue out. Bonnie Deaton is far from ordinary. She's currently the only Omega Level mutant alive. A powerful telepath that hasn't even touched the surface of her powers.

"Sorry.. not everyone can be the great Crimson Witch."

I glance at her and she knows that's what's bothering me.

"The voices?"

"I don't know why they're coming so often."

Bonnie is the only person in this town who knows what I am besides Davina and Alec. She's the only person I've trusted enough to tell. I've never even thought about telling Lydia who's my actual family.

"You think something triggered it?" She asks. "I mean.. something had to of happened, right? Why else would they be coming?"

"They kept saying a name."

"Care to enlighten me?"


She looks confused. Neither of us have ever even heard of the name.

"Interesting name."

"Why would dead people want me to know who this Niklaus is?"

"We're gonna figure it out.." She stands up "After we go shopping."

We haven't gone shopping in a while. The last time Lydia dragged us to every single fucking store and I wanted to blow my brains out. She brought two other girls from school that wouldn't shut the hell up.

"I know you haven't finished Christmas shopping."


I grab my purse from my desk. We both walk down the stairs and outside. Bonnie is a certified passenger princess, she hates driving and pawns it on anyone she possibly can. I roll my eyes and walk towards my car.

I Love You, I'm Sorry | T.W.Where stories live. Discover now